Registrar's Test

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA

Some of you out there already know that I've been studying for myRegistrar's test, the rest of you just found out. Lol! I was justwondering what types of questions are on the test. Are they mainlydisqualifications? I just would like to know what to study so thatmaybe I can zero in on the most important things.
Thank You,


You're on the yahoo reg. study list aren't you? I have somestudy questions on there and there is a lot of info in the archives aswell as study questions.

You don't need tomemorize weights or pointsschedules. Be certain to study faults as well as DQs.Studying the Netherland Dwarf colors will help you with color Q's onthe other breeds. Remember, Nethie fawn dwarfs are currently the onlyfawns with blue-gray eyes. All other fawns in any breed havebrown eyes. Rex are the only breed faulted (not DQ'd) forwrong Opal undercolor.

Be able to list varieties of breeds such as Himi, Dutch, English Spot,Brit. etc. They won't ask you to list all the varieties ofbreeds such as Satin, Mini Rex, Nethie, Holland, etc., but do knowvariety descriptions and eye colors.

Be certain to study reg. rules. If you send me an SASE, I'llsend you a yellow reg. sheet to study. (Gives all the steps you need togo through for the oral portion of your test). You can get myaddy from the ARBA yearbook.

Also, be certain to study all *general* faults and DQs as well as misc. standard interpretations on pages 28-30 of the SOP.

Take pencils, a scale, tattoo set andtape measure to your exam for the oral portion.

Good Luck!
