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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2012
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reno, Nevada, USA
So we've had Reddit for about 2 weeks and we've already realized that his cage (24x24x18) was too small for him. He;s just a baby and will keep growing, plus he likes to jump on top of things. So we decided to upgrade his cage to something a little bigger. This was his original home

We simply added another cage on top of the other one, removed the roof of the original and added two more levels to accommodate his height fascination. This is his cage now.




It looks like he likes his new place. He's explored every level. We hung some of his treats from the ceilings of each level. My only concern is what to put over the wire flooring on the 2nd and 3rd level. The wire seems to make him a little uncomfortable. Anyone have any suggestions?
Really looks nice. Boy he definitely has a lot more room to explore.

Regarding the wire flooring, I feel the same way. It's uncomfortable for their little paws. You could put tile, carpeting, cardboard, blanket. Depends on what your bunny likes. You could even weave hay through it. Just experiment. See what you bunny likes. It will make him more comfortable not having to walk on the wire. Or more straw mats that I saw in the pic.

Just make sure if you supply carpet or blanket, your bunny doesn't eat it.

Hope this helps. Really did a nice job expanding the place your bunny calls home.


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