Red urine or blood? URGENT

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Dec 28, 2014
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Hello everyone, I'm Shelby and u have a year old rabbit, the names Peter, I'm not really sure the sex because where I got him they said that Peter was to young to tell and now I'm unable to because he's fiesty. But any way, today I noticed a dot of red with a pile of pee. It was bright red. I wasn't able to look at his butt to see if he had just scratcher himself or something. But I was wondering if this is life threatening or is alright. I can send a picture of you want but it's kind of gross.

But any way here's a pic of Peter. View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1450149303.113703.jpg
View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1450149345.532839.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1450149566.419840.jpg
your welcome to post the photo, then people can at least see to what extent you're talking here.
much worse things have been shared on this forum aside from pee.
I agree, post a picture, it will be easier to figure out what it could be :)
It can be UTI ( Urinary Tract Infections ) and its kind of an emergency if you see red spots regularly i would suggest a visit to the vet to be examined, but rabbit can have normal reddish brownish colored pee because of the things they eat. But better make sure and take him to the vet
Agree with the red spots...a vet situation.

........about bunny colored pee..........
My wife's daughter caught an abandoned rabbit at a city park and brought it home. We didn't really have anything to immediately feed a rabbit, but we did have some we fed the rabbit a carrot which she eagerly ate. I went to the local pet store and bought a pen, litter box, etc. We put the rabbit and cage in our living room. She was such a nice sweet bunny and I couldn't understand why anyone would abandon a rabbit like this. I went to empty her litter box and her pee was orangish-brown....My first thought was ..maybe his rabbit has kidney cancer...that's why they got rid of her. Anyhow, I soon came to realize the orangish-brown color was due to her being fed the carrots. She was probably 9 months old. She lived to be nearly 12 years old.