Pointed white and himilayan are interchangeable terms, depending on the breed. In some breeds, the color is called "himilayan". In other breeds, it is referred to as "pointed white".
Tweetiepy- "Rare" doesn't necessarily mean hard to find, when breeders are referring to a particular color. It tends to be, in most breeds, that certain colors are more commonly worked with and have more developed type. For example, black tort is one of the most common colors in Holland Lops and therefore have the most consistently nice show type. Pointed white Hollands exist and the color is not necessarily hard to find, but it is hard to find with correct or workable type. Most are just pet quality.
Since breeders are generally more interested in the body type and not color, no, a pointed white/himi would not be wanted just for their color genetics if they are not one of the more common and consistent colors in the breed. The color would mostly be of interest to those breeding for colorful pet rabbits, or breeders who are specifically working to improve upon that color.