Red, cloudy eye?

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May 15, 2005
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I have a few month old dwarfrabbit. Her right eye isbrown. Her left eye is red and the centeris almost a cloudy clear color.Could this mean sheis blind in that redeye? If you go to touch her onthat side, she does close the eye. impuzzled. Thanks
The red baffles me, but the clouding usuallydoes indicate cataracts. It sounds as if she is blind in that eye--doesshe react when you wave a hand on that side of her head?

Yes she does respond, especially if you have a treat for her :D

but yeah she does. That is why I ampuzzled. I am going to take her to thevet and see what he says. I know that thecloudyness in other animals eyes does mean blindness or semiblindness..........
There are any number of eye diseases that cancause the symptoms you mention. It would be a verygood idea to have the eye checked by a vet. Ifaninfection develops, it can cause a serious infection andthe eye may need to be removed.

This sounds a lot like the eye infection my catis recovering from. Initially the eye was watery andcloudy. The vet said it started with an injury to the eye andthat caused an ulcer. We were very concerned that Lucky wasgoing to have to have the eye removed. The vet decided wecould try oral antibiotics and 2 different eye ointments.After we started those, the eye actually started to bleed and was redand just really nasty. Amazingly, the medicine did the trickand he's doing much better, but it was scary for a while. Theresidual effect is that his eye is a reddish black color and he has nosight in it. But he has adjusted really well.


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