Reasons why this is the worst week ever

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
  • I turned up for work on Tuesday, to be told I wasn't on the rota and had got my dates wrong, but they would keep me. I have thus been working everyday since Sunday, and am working tomorrow too.
  • The laundry monster ate my top. It was a very nice top I bought at a considerable price for going out. It is not in the washing basket. It is not in the machine. It is not screwed up and shoved under my bed. It has been eaten.
  • Last night I accidently sent a text to my Dad, about my Dad. Its his birthday on Sunday and I basically sent a text intended to go to my Grandmother saying 'if I don't get something good I'm gonna get shouted at and told what an ungrateful daughter I am'. I sent it to him by accident... dammit.
  • I'm poor. I hate the last week before payday!
  • My best friend dropped a bombshell on me which is making me really worried, he is on holiday until tomorrow and I'm dreading seeing the outcome...
I'm aware my problems are insignificant to many others but ARGH this is such a bad week!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Oh dear - poor you - Lets just hope next week will be better - and i do that all the time send the text to the wrong person :?

I wouldn't worry too much its only 1 week :?I hope you find your top though :grumpy:
Sorry about that stuff! I hope it gets better. If it makes you feel any better on monday my first day of school I missed the bus on the way home because I forgot my bus number! My dad waas mad when he a had to pick me up!:biggrin2:

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