Really wet nose and chin

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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
Binkie has an unusally wet chin and nose... Sheisnt sneezing or coughing. She seems fine and is hopping around andbeing just as a brat as she is normally. But she is sitting ona grayblanket and she flopped over and put her head down, when she picked herhead up i noticed it was all wet so i felt her nose and my hands gotall wet and than i felt her chin and it was just as well... Is it okayfor her nose and chin to be wet? Should I be worried?
Check her teeth? How hot is it where she is?

I know Guinevere gets a damp nose when it is REALLY hot. That is when I know to blast the AC for her.

And is there any color to the liquid?

When I first got Gir (and joined the forum) he had clearfluid. Vet told me it can be from stress but gave me 'bioticsjust in case.

Does she seem any different then normal otherwise?
It is clear, and she is in the bunny room. Itsnice and cool back here, i have her in the basement now and its a lilwarmer in here but her nose is dry now. She isnt any bit different, Sheis cleaning the blankie and everything. She even thumpped at me thismorning!
Hmm... well I would just keep checking on her tomake sure everything stays normal.. Maybe she was dreaming aboutNanners? =)

Of course... I am far from a bunny expert =)

My little Shorty has been diagnosed with aconstant wet nose. Just as long as the discharge is clear(like water) and not yellow, green or gooey, you bun should befine.

By the way, what does he drink water out of? If he has a bowl, he might just be sloppy...?

Hi Danielle,

As stated, keep an eye on the color of the discharge, her eatinghabits/appetite, her energy level, and how often the chin and noseremains wet.

Will say a prayer for her just for safe keeping. :pray:


Binkie had a wet nose and runny eyes when wefirst got her, too. I'm thinking that she may be having allergicreactions to hay&pellet dust. She's been fine for the lastcouple of months. May be time for a good cleaning of the room again.Also we need to start being more careful about sifting pellets and haydust.

She drinks out of a waterbottle, so she may have gotten a bit sloppywith it last night. I checked the bottle and it's not leaking orflowing too fast.

She does bite on the cage wires a lot. Enough so that she has a coupleof spots where the fur has gotten a bit thin, but no sores.

If it's her teeth we'll have to take her to the vet to have them checked. I'M NOT PUTTING MY FINGERs IN HER MOUTH..... NO WAY!!!

Does anybody's bunnie drool when they sleep??
bunsforlife wrote:
Actually Guinevere has been known to drool when she isgetting a really good petting session ;)
You know...that what was going on with Binkie (as far as the "pettingsession"). She was getting lots of extra attention lastnight. I wonder if that's what it was. Too funny!!

"Oh, dat feels good thank you. ***drool,drool,drool***"

We'll still keep a close eye on her for the next few day, though.

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