Really soft, squishy poop

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hampton, Virginia, USA
So Olivia is out and running around. And she has been quite comical this morning, I needed a good laugh. She has been running in circles around my area rug in the living room and doing her cute. But she dropped so poop down the hallway and its really mushy and soft. Its formed...just really this normal?
She had a change to her diet a couple of weeks ago when her urine showed up with too much calcium...had to change her greens around. But thats it
My bunnies are very competitive about who owns the living room. Each pair has its own bedroom and we let them run about in the living room on alternate days, which leads to a poop-fest by whoever is out. One of my bunnies is so desparate to mark the living room with her poo that she sometimes leaves mushier poos. Another possibility is that you're used to seeing poo that is a few hours old, rather than a few minutes, so the kind you're used to has dried out a bit more. Rabbit poo is a bit mushy when it is newly formed--it doesn't turn into hard little cocoa puffs until a bit later. Finally, the change in her greens could be to blame. Did you add a particular type of green? Some bunnies can't tolerate some of the greens and may have a certain sensitivity. I know of bunnies that can't handle cilantro, for instance, and it gives them mushy poos.
She was getting cilantro and we never had a problem with that. According to the list i got from her vet, cilantro doesnt have much calcium in it, so it was hard to figure out which kind of greens to switch her to. So we decided to switch her to alfalfa sprouts. She gets those and red leaf lettuce daily. So my guess is its the marking. It could also be that Im used to seeing her harder poops that have sat for a little while. These poops she did this morning smelled really bad too. I dont know if that is marking also. But its all cleaned up now and she is back in her cage :)
Yes, I agree that the change in greens could do it, but if I were you I wouldn't be too concerned.

Are you sure that they're not cecotropes? Our rabbits occasionally pass them during the day instead of night or early morning.

Digestive disturbances in rabbits personally terrify me, so we keep a very close eye on the litter-box habits of our bunnies too. I'm so insistent on it that my boyfriend calls me the "poop nazi". Charming, hey? :biggrin:

Good for you for being pro-active and keeping a close eye on her stools. Happy that it sounds like all is well.
I don't think it's cecotropes because it's sparatic pellets. I thinks it might her marking because she isn't spayed yet. My husband calls me a poop obsesser because I'm always worried about her poop haha. I'm always checking to make sure she has pooped enough or not enough and about the way they look.
Nancy McClelland wrote:
We have a couple that only get a small amount of veggies or it's cleanup on aisle two--never a fun thing.

lol. Larry that's a good one. I have to watch Dobby. He seems the most sensitive regarding his digestive. Any little change will set him off. So he is the one that has small amounts of veggies.

Poop Nazi!

Poop Obsesser!

When it comes to bunnies, poop will tell you lots! And I do the same thing every day, checking poops. It is what it is and is an excellent sign to know if there is something wrong or something that just doesn't set right with your bunny.

Watch that POOP!

K :)
I have had this same problem! He has normal hard poos sometimes and then ever now and then he will pass a few that are still formed but squishy and not hard little balls like they should be and his Cecetropes will be just like this too. They really don't smell nice either :scared::yuck

Poe hasn't had a change in diet, although it may be that the breeder didn't give him much else other than Bok Choy leaf which I have been giving him along with a few other greens every 3 or so days.

Our Dudley is just like that too Nancy! He would get the runs so terribly if he got veggies every day, so I am trying to limit Poe's so we don't have that same terrible issue (except Dudley was on lino and Poe is on carpet - that would be SO much worse!)

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