Really sad

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
My kids came home from school and told me that a family we know from 4H lost their barn to fire today. I thought it was an April Fool's joke - I really loved the old red barn they had for one thing. I drove by their house and sure enough the fire Department is still there. They lost all the animals except for 2 calves. Pigs, sheep... all kinds of livestock.

We don't know them super well but we know them and one of their boys was in the Supreme contest with Luke last year. They are big in 4H and it's so sad.

I'm pretty much still sick from it. We had friends from 4H (in our club even) lose their entire barn last year also - except one horse who was badly burned.

I am so sorry to hear of their loss. What a tragedy for that family. One of my former clients went through the same thing, lost all of their cattle and any that survived had to be destroyed because of the smoke. The fire was started from an electrical short.

Please keep us informed on their recovery efforts. I am sure the insurance company has to investigate. Hopefully they won't drag their feet on this situation. The poor family must be in shock...

My sympathies to them,


That's horrible...I'm so sorry. But at least two calves survived, that's better that none at all. Were they hurt any?

Thanks for your thoughts. We think it might have been lightning but we haven't found out for sure.
It turns out they got all the animals except their pigs. It destroyed the centuries old barn that was so beautiful tho.

I guess they have found it was a malfunction of the electrical board in the barn that sparked the fire. Someone saw it from the main road and called 911.

Still so sad. I am trying to find the photos. They had it on the news.
Everyone has been just sick over the photo and video of the fire. Like the fire last year, it's just awful. I'm so thankful that none of the family was hurt. Here's the barn when it was burning. The electrical panel malfunctioned is all we know right now.


This saddens me, both as a 4-H'er, a mom, a farmer, and an animal lover. While I am glad they got the bulk of their animals out, my heart goes out to their piggles. I gave my bunch extra treats in their honor.

They will be in my thoughts and prayers.. tragic.. just tragic and senseless.
That is just devestating. What a horrifying picture. Thank goodness nobody was hurt, but I too am very sad for the piggies.

There's something about a fire; if they rebuild, it's so hard to push out the memories of the fire. We had a house go on fire when I was young, and a young boy died. They tore the house down & rebuild a totally different one, but through our lives, we all remembered Gregory.

I'll keep the people in my thoughts:hearts

Thank you all.

One thing I would like to say is that this is a great reminder of why we should all have our electrical board checked now and then. Also, go around and feel the lightswitches when they are on - if they are hot something is wrong.... double check cords - make sure they aren't near an animal, or crimped, or worn.

My uncles were firemen and hubby was on a volunteer department years ago.

Some of the most common house fires are from:

electric can openers - unplug them

toasters - unplug them!

crimped cords under furniture

overused sockets.
oh wow... my heart goes out to the family; I can't imaging how horrible that must be.

PS - excellent reminder about the appliances. Those little buggerscan seem so benign, butit's amazing how many fires they start;my uncle's house was just destroyed by a fire stemming from a can opener, and I know several people that have had toaster fires. Unplug'em, folks!
Thanks Greta! that's a good testiment to the fact they do happen most often that way!

My own family almost had a house fire one time when I was young. We caught the smolder but it was from a skylight allowing the sun to shine down on a glass ashtray on a placemat. Strange but the sun can start fires too.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
overused sockets.
I always had to use my favorite "Road Runner" nightlight a few years ago at my old house. One day I was cleaning, and I just decided I would unplug it and there was a HUGE burnt spot on the socket cover, thingy. I was really sad that I had to throw my nightlight away, but I would rather have gotten a new one and switched to a diff. socket than have my house (that'd i'd lived in for 12 years) burn down because of my nightlight! Its a good thing I took it out, cuz it probably would of started a fire within the week :shock:

About the barn, that's just soo sad. I know I would be devastated if that happened to my barn. I'll be praying for the surviving animals, etc. Too sad. :( That's one of my biggest fears -- that and someone attacking my shed and bunnies :?


I'm sorry I haven't posted on the thread - I was sort of speechless.....

How are your friends doing now that the shock is starting to wear off?

electric can openers - unplug them

toasters - unplug them!

crimped cords under furniture

overused sockets.

oh... Wow... I feel stupid... i have both the toaster and can opener plugged on the same socket :?I am careful with my sockets but I seriously never realized a can opener and toaster could be dangerous. :bagheadMine are always plugged in. Thank you for the info!

Btw, how is the family doing? It must be really rough losing something like that. I am glad no one was hurt, well ok the pigs were :(
Wow, that picture is horrific. It's a mircale nobody was hurt, so sad for the pigs though.... :(

I'm always so terrified of fire, this will make me be even more careful in future now...