Really Calm New Bun

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
So I recently got my new bunny(not new to bunnies, but a lot has changed in the years since my last one on care, etc).

His name is Crush. He's a three year old Holland Lop(or so I was told - I have no idea personally, lol..).

His nails seem... ridiculous to me, but I'm used to dog nails so not sure how short or long is normal for a rabbit and I can't see the kwik in his claws, so I'm scared to clip them without help at the moment til I learn.

He's got one tooth that seems to need trimming(his previous owners claimed to have had them trimmed recently, but with one so long as that, I doubt it).

Now... Here's the thing... He's PERFECT.

It's weird... I don't get it. I remember having a relaxed bunny before, but not THIS relaxed. It's weird to me - but in a very good way.

He was raised in a home where he free roamed with a lab so he's not scared of dogs. Great for me, as I have two, one of which is a Beagle who is VERY interested in the bunny to the point he's NEVER left unattended around the bunny cage. He just... likes to lick him... a lot through the cage bars, so the bunny is now up off the ground during the day.

This bunny actually enjoys being picked up, held, and pet. He even comes to me to sit in my lap(hops right in if he can reach and snuggles down). He takes treats and goodies right from my hands... Does that dead bunny flop laying position thing that tells you they're comfortable, even while my dog is sniffing at his cage. Completely relaxed and comfortable in his settings.

Loves being outside on a harness/leash... And he loves to explore my house(while the dogs are locked up of course!).

Is he just one of those personalities that's generally relaxed and doesn't stress easily? It's certainly nice, cause my dog is epileptic and a stressed-out, anxious pooch quite often... and the puppy is high energy and annoying. I reaaalllyy enjoy locking up the dogs for a bit and just... bonding with my new bunny.

He's doing really well and isn't showing any signs of stress at all. If he gets a little uncertain, he kind of bundles into himself and just waits and watches until he's comfortable again, and then he's hopping around exploring.

I'm in love with him already. He's absolutely everything I was hoping for in getting a new bunny.

Apparently.. his favorite treat(or at least the one I've given so far that he seems to have liked most) is strawberries... Yum! Happy to share them, bud!... Is this something that can be dangerous if given too much though? I went through the list and it was listed as safe, but nothing was really said about how much is safe?(nevermind.. rereard it and found the 'very very sparingly' note!)

Annnddd... Introducing Crush! Say hi! This picture was taken on the car ride home(which he took like a pro!) and I've been letting him settle in with occasional bonding, free-roaming, and treats.


Crush is a sweetie. I'm finding out that Rabbits all have different personalities and some take in more than others. Doesn't bother them. Sounds like Crush is a laid back bunny who enjoys company. Dogs don't phase him. That's good.

Sounds like you have everything under control and enjoying getting to know Crush.

Look forward to hearing how it goes.

Seems like you got lucky! I would have to second that all bunnies have their own personalities, i feel that they are individuals and should be treated as such ;)

Glad to read everything is going awesome! More pix please!!
Looks just like our old boy Ted. He loved to play fetch--I'd throw a wicker ball and he would run after it, pick it up and bring it back, and drop it by my feet so we could do it over and over. Some bunnies are just that way--the rare few. Serena, our 18+ pound Checkered Giant is a lap bunny, loves to be held and carried around too. Not the norm for a bunny, but simply fantastic.
He's pretty cute.
Some rabbits are just calmer and take to new situations quicker.

If you need his nails done, I can do them for you, just send me a message and we can work things out. I can't help much with the teeth, but do know someone who can. I can also help hook you up with good places to get supplies if you want.

Strawberries are safe, but as a fruit you want to limit them.
Thanks everyone. I was already set in that each is individual... It's just weird to me to see a bunny so un-phased by everything.

Right now he's in a smaller than ideal cage and on less-than-ideal bedding. Bedding will be changing very soon as I'm going to try to litter train him and get him on towels instead and plan to build a NIC cage a little later.

Korr - That would be great! Also, do you have any local vet recommendations? I'm not a fan of North and would much rather NOT take him there. Any recommendations for places to get supplies, feel free to give me a list, lol. With all that's changed, I almost feel new to bunny-care all over again.

He wasn't on Timothy Hay before, so I bought a bag and he LOVES it. Devoured the handful I gave him and was throwing the dish around for more, haha. He settled down as soon as I gave him more. What a tantrum! He made my dog go nuts trying to figure out what all the ruckus was about.
What a sweet boy! Sounds like you got lucky with a laid back guy :) can't wait to hear more as your story continues!

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