Re-Introducing Greens?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
I've tried a few times to get Daisy back ongreens but no matter how small the amount, she always churns out soft,mushy extra cecals soon after eating. Any ideas?
Bunman, what sort of greens was she eatingbefore you took her off of them? Have you tried her with somethingmild, like parsley or carrot tops, to start? Just a small leaf or twohere or there.

I have been discovering a bit of controversy as well amongst rabbitowners/breeders as to how essential it is to feed greens...some believethem to be necessary, while others swear by a diet of pelleted feed andhay with no greens at all. If Daisy cannot tolerate any greens rightnow, I'd be tempted to leave it be and stick with what she canhandle...then try her again in a week or two.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know....

Thanks Di - i'll make a note of the parsley& carrot tops. I've been trying small bits of romaine &spinach, but i could have reduced the amounts even more....i'm movingto another place in town soon, so all the more reason to just stick tothe dry foods right now.
Romaine doesn't have much fiber, and I know thatsome other rabbits are sensitive to it. Does just spinachaffect her? I started all of mine with one sprig each ofcilantro and parsley and built up from there. Although thereare some rabbits that simply can't handle fresh greens.

I am one of the people that prefers lots of greens because it's a morenatural diet, but I also think that our breeding practices haveweakened the digestive system of some rabbits. I rememberPamnock talking about how dwarf hotots were prone to GI stasis, and Iwonder if maybe there are lines or "families" of rabbits that can'ttolerate greens, just as there probably are lines that can't handlemany pellets (for example, my dwarf hotots)? It'ssomething to think about when we consider our rabbit's diets.
Bunman wrote:
OK, i tried tiny amounts tonight & so far no problems!:bunnydance:
Hi Bunman,

Greens are more of a treat for my bunnies, as opposed to part of their regular daily diet.

They get a small amount (approx 1/4 - 1/3 cup) twice a week.

When they got daily greens, it seemed that one or more of them werealways battling with soft poops/cecals. Moderation seems to be the keyfor my bunnies.

every bun is different, i don't believe one diet standard fits all buns, I have buns who could much the fridge clean of all things fresh and never have a soft stool..hmm Angel comes to mind(she's not the only)

and then i have others who can't eat anything other than, hay, pellets, oats ad water (Flower is one) and everything in between.. I have 2 who hate anything green or veggie related (that goes for fruit and anything else as well..) go figure..

plus each bun has their own diet needs, what 2 buns of the same size need to eat varies. 2 buns both same size 5 lbs, one needs 1/4 cup pellets a day the other 1/2 a cup.. other wise she looses weight.. on the flip size i have one miss fat faith who has been on a diet forever and does not loose weight, she has an extremely slow metabolism.. each bun is different with different needs. so I feel people just need to find what works for each one of their buns.. :D
I agree whole-heartedly with Gabby on this one.

MooShu HATES greens. "No no no no greens"

Brindle gets soft poops if I even say "greens"

Binkie and Rosie-roo have castiron stomachs and eat everything put in front of them with no adverse effects