Re-bonding with Chompers

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I realized recently that we tend to pay moreattention to Valuran and Abby, mostly because they are more active andtend to get into trouble more. Chompers is very laid back, usuallysleeps all day and is just very, very mellow. He is much older than theother two, and doesn't need that constant supervision because hedoesn't do anything bad.

So I decided I needed to devote more time to my boy. Not to say Ididn't pet him, or anything like that, but Abby and Valuran were moredemanding of my time. So over the course of the week, I've been layingdown with him and petting him in his favorite spots. It's been a roughweek here, as you all know, and I guess it made me think about howprecious the time is we have with our pets.

Last night he watched me walk past the cage and start for the kitchen.When I looked back, I saw him at the door of the cage, one paw up, andlooking at me. When I went over, he nudged my hand and I began to pethim. The look on his face just melted my heart, with his eyes mostlyclosed and just so content. Then he started licking me, something hehasn't done in a very long time.

It was just so endearing, even Dave was going "awww". I told him thatwe need to spend more time with the bunnies, that even though we'realways with them, we need to get down on the ground with them. I guesswe just got into the habit of them having free range of theliving/dining room with us and watching them, but not interacting withthem as much as we used to. Not to say we do'nt play with them, or petthem, but I feel we could do it more. Again, I think this week has mademe think.

All right, long enough post, sorry to ramble on!
I know i was thinking the same thing. Not to saymy bunnies dont let me pet them, but when they are out they run fromme. Luv does the bunny 500 since we have Roger. She is so much moreactive. Roger wont come out unless i force him. I tried placing hisfood outside of his cage and he acts like he just cant make it out.

When i first got Roger i got to do alot of cuddling and petting causeit was before he relized he could jump off the couch lol. but luvtaught him how. lol.

Aww Stephanie, after reading a post like that itmakes me just want to get off my behind here and go and wake the girlsup andannounce "okay ladies quality time with your motherfigure now!" What an endearing post, thank you :)

Alas I can not, their sleep in time is until 10am...wooot 10 min :p

I figure any little bit of time with me on thefloor with them is good. Abby actually came hopping over to me when Icalled her name. Chompers is out like a light right now and Valuran washappy to get some pettings.

I wish they were like Sebastian and I could just pick them up and cuddle.
Same with us. Chernish is more active at night,so when he is out of the cage we are normally not up to play with him.And in the morning its too busy for us to spend time with him.
Last week my husband(Roman) was going to sleep late and he was sittingon the floor with Chernish. They both loved it.Chernish was runningaround him and licking him. And when Roman left to go to sleep,Chernish was sitting at the edge of his towel and looking so sad.
It this rate itwon't be long before Sebastian is running from me! :XThisdang fur of his is such a pain in the butt.I groom him nearlyevery day. And I don't mean for just a minute. I mean for 15-20 minutesof brushing and combing. I work slowly and gently all the way throughthe coat and down to his skin but his fur is so different. You can gopick him up ten minutes later and it's got tangles again. He is stillgetting mats and tanglesnext to his skin that take long, longamounts of time to work out and much of the time has to be cut out. Itis such a tedious thing to cut with little sharp scissors that close tohis skin all the time and it is really starting to piss him off. I tryto make sure that I have plenty of holding time that has nothing to dowith brushing but still...

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
It this rate it won't be longbefore Sebastian is running from me! :X This dang fur of his is such apain in the butt. I groom him nearly every day. And I don't mean forjust a minute. I mean for 15-20 minutes of brushing and combing. I workslowly and gently all the way through the coat and down to his skin buthis fur is so different. You can go pick him up ten minutes later andit's got tangles again. He is still getting mats and tangles next tohis skin that take long, long amounts of time to work out and much ofthe time has to be cut out. It is such a tedious thing to cut withlittle sharp scissors that close to his skin all the time and it isreally starting to piss him off. I try to make sure that I have plentyof holding time that has nothing to do with brushing butstill...


Don't worry, I am sure Sebastian with his open personality won't beable to stay mad for a long time. He'll want attention anyway.

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