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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I was surfing through the ARBA site and Irealized that I'm not familiar with many of the acceptedbreeds. I already know Palominos are rare (and gorgeous), butwhat about some of the others? I'm so in love with Tans rightnow! And English Spots and Rhinelanders- but I hadn't reallyheard of any of these before looking at the ARBA site. Arethey more common for show breeding but not outside of shows?

I'm also fascinated by the new breeds that are being workedon. Mambo's mini satin is so sweet! I would love tosee some velveteen lops around- I have a hard enough time findingpictures on the net! I'm already familiar with lionheads, butthey haven't passed presentation yet either. What does ittake to get a new breed certified? Have there been instancesof new breeds that were developed but just never got certified?

When I wentto Topsfield Show theyhadThrianta"s there , OMG Theyare so prettyup close and personal !!!!! they also had Velveteens , verypretty and soft , almost softerthan a Rex , I got gigglingbecause one was let out to hoparound and promptly triped overthose long ears , it wasadorable !

I also was allowed to hold aBelgin Hare , NOW that was an experience , theycant be held like you would anormal rabbit , LOL I was soafraid to hold them with any amount ofpressure , I never realized arabbit could feel that fragil, they have very thin petitebones , I was amazed , thrilled , scaredand awe struck all at the same time ! . Iwas under the assumption BelginHares were snotty , but the oneI held was a sweet heart !

I saw my first Reinelander in person atthe FryBurg show , They are beautiful Rabbits! the colors and banding aresomething to behold ! I honestly think IfI had the room Iwould have One of every breed ,so Far I havent found one breed Ihavent fallen in absolute love with. erm ( cough) ya donttell the hubby this ok !.

At Topsfield I was just shy bya few minutes of rescuing aCheckard Giant from the Meat dealer, I tried in Vain to getthis big guy away from him, He had an absess onhis foot I just knew I couldheal if Given a chance , I walkedaway very very close to tears ,The Dealer just wouldnt givehim up . I still get teary about it, As Pam knows it wasthe One breed I wanted the most, even knowingtheir badattitudes , Dont tell Hubby butI even offered theDealer $ 100.00 forhim and he stillwouldnt give him up . I sowanted to flatten his tires ,just for revenge .
I really like the look of the Thrianta, eventhough I've never seen one in person. I'm so jealous of yougetting to see one.

Too bad that guy wouldn't give you the Checkered Giant - he probablyknew you wanted to save it and just wouldn't sale it to be ajerk. Not like he couldn't get another rabbit.
cirrustwi wrote:
I want a Velveteen so badly! Really, I mean, Rexfur and lop ears...how can you resist that?


Even better- it's rex fur and English lop ears! Although whenI did a search for rare rabbit breeds I found someone who's breedingmini lops with rex fur. Very, very cute. I alsofound a site for the Astrex- curly/wavy haired rex!

Thanks for the cool site, Jenniblu!
Agreed on the Thrianta's, and to actually touch one isa spiritual thing , seriously, they are an awsome breed .Sweet too ! I still want aCheckard tho lol .
Thanks for the link,Naturestee.Besides the color, Ilike thefact that they have a sturdy, rounded appearance without lookingdwarfish.

The size, 5-6 pounds, is also ideal type to startbreeding with -- standard sized cages and supplies would suit them.

*sighs* Someday. :?
naturestee wrote:
cirrustwi wrote:
I want aVelveteen so badly! Really, I mean, Rex fur and lopears...how can you resist that?


Even better- it's rex fur and English lop ears! Although whenI did a search for rare rabbit breeds I found someone who's breedingmini lops with rex fur. Very, very cute. I alsofound a site for the Astrex- curly/wavy haired rex!

Thanks for the cool site, Jenniblu!

I know, I just love the ears!

The coloring on the Thrianta is amazing. They are just beautiful.

I've never heard of the Astrex. Saphy's fur iswavy. I always thought it was some sort of mutation with hisfur. I didn't realize people were breeding for that.


Alright, the lionhead rabbit really scares me.It scares me like spiders scare me.
rabbitgirl wrote:
I've seen an astrex, and they are really cool. Like Jen, Ididn't know it was "on purpose" either.

It was so funny, when I got Saphy, I was like what's up with hisfur? I thought he might out grow it, but it's stillwavy. When he was tiny it was like little ringlets, now it'sjust wavy.


awwwwwwwww Please posta baby picture , I would loveto see him as a baby !!!!!!
gypsy wrote:
awwwwwwwww Please post a babypicture , I would love to seehim as a baby !!!!!!

I don't know if I have any that give his fur justice. Ilooked at that page and to compare: Right now, his fur is like Louie'sand when he was a baby, it was like Sizzle. I'll have to tryto get a close up of his fur now.

My rat, Scabbers, is 1/2 rex. He has really curly fur.


Here's a pic of an English Spot.. my very firstbunny that I had when I was 13.. been hooked ever since.. Named her"Spottsie"..:cool:

I've had English Spot's, Japanese Harlaquin, standard Rex, mini-rex,and a mix (don't know what breed's he is).. My standard rexis blue(named Rexie), my mini-rex is a blue-tort (namedSherbie-see avatar)(which isn't an accepted color by the ARBAbut he's GORGEOUS!! and Snuggles has gray/brown fur with white trimmingall over his body.. :D


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