Well-Known Member
I was surfing through the ARBA site and Irealized that I'm not familiar with many of the acceptedbreeds. I already know Palominos are rare (and gorgeous), butwhat about some of the others? I'm so in love with Tans rightnow! And English Spots and Rhinelanders- but I hadn't reallyheard of any of these before looking at the ARBA site. Arethey more common for show breeding but not outside of shows?
I'm also fascinated by the new breeds that are being workedon. Mambo's mini satin is so sweet! I would love tosee some velveteen lops around- I have a hard enough time findingpictures on the net! I'm already familiar with lionheads, butthey haven't passed presentation yet either. What does ittake to get a new breed certified? Have there been instancesof new breeds that were developed but just never got certified?
I'm also fascinated by the new breeds that are being workedon. Mambo's mini satin is so sweet! I would love tosee some velveteen lops around- I have a hard enough time findingpictures on the net! I'm already familiar with lionheads, butthey haven't passed presentation yet either. What does ittake to get a new breed certified? Have there been instancesof new breeds that were developed but just never got certified?