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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
I used to be really close with my brother Eric, but since he's been with his girlfriend, thats all changed.
We used to go to the movies every weeekend, now it's like we're not even family.
He quit his job when my nephew was a year old and a half old, so his girlfriend got a job (this was a 4 months ago) then quit it to go to school, yes..if you've done the math, no one is working at this point.
Yet, when they got their OSAP (to help pay for the bills while she's at school) they bought my nephew who DOESNT EVEN TALK, a 500$ mini hummer.
That wasn't so bad, if they payed some bills :pssd:
They let all their bills wrack up, after receiving THOUSANDS from OSAP.
Now, my brother is harassing my mother for when he went to pay her prescription bill (she never knew he was going to do it)
He says he has no money, and he wants 'all the money hes lent her to start getting paid off' (his words) HE NEVER EVEN LENT IT, OR SAID SHE HAD TO PAY IT.
Now, he said to her (this is all through text) that he cant feed his son because he has to pay Bell ( for anyone who doesn't know, bell if internet/cable ).. do you realize how stupid that sounds? :rollseyes
Food comes before cable?
I don't know what to do, he's been texting me to tell my mom to 'stop ignoring him'.
I'm one text away before I flip on him, my mom has a heart problem, which she had to go to the ER a month ago because she had a heart attack!
Both of them need a job, they need to lay off, and get their heads smacked together.
My other brother and I are just, baffled.
I sorry to hear about your Family Drama.
Your brother needs to grow up a little. I would ignore all texts coming from him. Let him get into serious debt it's not your problem. Don't let him bully you and your mom into giving him money.
If he's smart enough he'll turn off his Cable/Internet, Cell phones or home phone and keep cell to save money.
First of all, I just wanna say, I'm really sorry. I know we don't know each other, since I don't post much around here, but I know how it feels to lose a family member like that, and how hard it is. My mum wasn't well either, so I really hope for her sake, that your brother gets his act together, before its too late. My situation ended up with the sister being cut off from the rest of the family; we went through a hellova lot first, and still do, really. I really do feel your pain.

Would it be possible for your other brother, and you, to kind of, confront him, and tell him to back off, and leave your mother alone? I realize that might not work, but would he go to her and make a fuss?

Also, your mother has given birth to him, raised him, paid everything for him, food, education, etc. Why should she have to pay him back for a few 'loans'? He SHOULD be helping her, now that he's supposedly an 'adult'.

btw, what's OSAP? A benefit? And I feel like I'm being a bit dumb here, but what's a hummer? :p
OSAP is money from the goverment to help support someone going to college. Like, a loan.. but if you get good grades you dont have to repay it.
and a Hummer is a big truck (not even sure what to call it)..google it :)
Hummer = Big box on wheels/Steroids ;)
Sounds like your brother needs a swift kick in the pants. He needs to grow up and deal with his own money problems. Dont' let him bully you through txts. He's not going to learn if he keeps getting bailed out.

Sorry your having family issues and that your mom has been sick.

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