Ralphie just came home from spay surgery

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Jan 26, 2012
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Philadelphia, New Jersey, USA
Hi all, Ralphie just came home from the vet for her spay. The vet gave us liquid Metacam. Any advice on how to give this to her? Also, if shes hopping around a little bit, is this okay? When do you think she'll be back to her normal self?(shes on the liquid pain med for 1 week)? Should I give her head rubs as I normally do or give her more time to herself? I love my baby so much, so any advice would be greatly appreciated! I took the day off to be with her tomorrow, to keep an eye on her...Thanks guys! Amber
Welcome to the forum!

So glad that you have your Ralphie home and she's starting to get a little active. I have all boys so it was a bit easier. Three days of pain meds, which all I had to do was show them the syringe and they lapped it up each time. I let them be for those days on pain meds and was just with them, talking, pets when they wanted, making sure they were eating and drinking, even though they left the Vets' office eating and drinking. By the 4th day, it was like it never happened.

With girls though, it's a bit more for them. The week she's on the pain med I would just let her be herself and take cues from her. I wouldn't allow a lot of running around yet but lots of pets, talking and just being there will let her know you are there. Actually I think this will build your bond.

Let us know how it goes. Our bunnies are our World too!

K :)

Have a read of this
More or less the "Coming Home" section.

Best way for the pain meds is to syringe them right into her mouth. If you put them on food or something else theres no way to know shes getting the full dose for sure.

And despite how well she seems to be feeling, she still needs to be kept confined, but she can have as many head scratches as you want :)
Thank you so much for the replies. She's in her room right now resting. I tried to give a piece of a banana(her fav!) but she d idnt want it :( I gave her a couple pets, she's huddled off in a corner and I keep going in to check on her. I'm really hoping she'll take the meds in tomorrow. Im not sure whether to put her in her cage...(shes laying outside of it right now) She has her own room(shes very spoiled!)with lots of toys and tunnels..i dont her to try to be active if she shouldnt be... hmmm shes mostly laying down though...Gonna keep a close eye on her tonight and all day tomorrow...thanks everyone for the support for my Ralphie baby! <3
My vet told me to confine my Poe all night after his operation and then only have little sessions outside of his crate for a few days until the wounds start to heal. I know it is even more important for females to rest as the surgery is much more invasive, so I would confine her to her cage/pen for at least 24 hours until she starts to feel like herself/the process of healing beings. For the next week or so though, limit jumping as much as you can (I couldn't stop Poe so I know how hard it is but try if you can), watch for any excessive licking or pulling at any external stitches, whether she is eating and drinking normally, and how her general actions are such as still being lethargic even 3 or 4 days afterwards (Poe slept most of the day after his surgery, but was back to his normal self 24 hours later and even better the next few days).

Giving them space is the best idea for the first few days, but I still sat with Poe and was always around him when he was out I just didn't bother him as much and tried not to aggravate him. He wasn't on any pain meds though, and he was absolutely fine. So was our other bunny Dudley when he was done a few years ago.

Hope that helps!

How did Ralphie do last night? Hope all is well. Wishing you luck with the pain meds today. I was nervous the first time I gave my boys their pain meds, but found out they liked the taste so it was easy. Wishing you luck.

Let us know how it's going.

K :)
Ralphie is doing okay. She definitely doesnt like the taste of the pain meds, so my fiance tries to make it as quick and painless as possible for her. She's wanting to come out of her room and hop downstairs, but I have kept the baby crate up(i dont think it would be a good idea for her to hop up and down the stairs) She has been eating, but only small amounts..I keep trying to temp her with her favorite treats and she might take a couple nibbles and that's about it. She did eat a small amount of hay though. Her poops are small and look very dark and a little mishapen(im hoping this is just bc of the medicine, but i guess its good that at least she is going). I really cant wait until she feels all better. I miss seeing her hop all around and do binkies. When do you guys think it would be okay to let her go up and down the stairs? Thanks for all your advice :)
Ralphie is doing okay. She definitely doesnt like the taste of the pain meds, so my fiance tries to make it as quick and painless as possible for her. She's wanting to come out of her room and hop downstairs, but I have kept the baby crate up(i dont think it would be a good idea for her to hop up and down the stairs) She has been eating, but only small amounts..I keep trying to temp her with her favorite treats and she might take a couple nibbles and that's about it. She did eat a small amount of hay though. Her poops are small and look very dark and a little mishapen(im hoping this is just bc of the medicine, but i guess its good that at least she is going). I really cant wait until she feels all better. I miss seeing her hop all around and do binkies. When do you guys think it would be okay to let her go up and down the stairs? Thanks for all your advice :)
RalphiesMom wrote:
Ralphie is doing okay. She definitely doesnt like the taste of the pain meds, so my fiance tries to make it as quick and painless as possible for her. She's wanting to come out of her room and hop downstairs, but I have kept the baby crate up(i dont think it would be a good idea for her to hop up and down the stairs) She has been eating, but only small amounts..I keep trying to temp her with her favorite treats and she might take a couple nibbles and that's about it. She did eat a small amount of hay though. Her poops are small and look very dark and a little mishapen(im hoping this is just bc of the medicine, but i guess its good that at least she is going). I really cant wait until she feels all better. I miss seeing her hop all around and do binkies. When do you guys think it would be okay to let her go up and down the stairs? Thanks for all your advice :)

So glad Ralphie doing okay.

I have boys and they bounced back in about 4 days. And liked the taste of their pain medicine.

Here's something that might help. Found it in the RO Library. It can help you with Ralphie and trying to make sure she's okay to go back to normal life. Sounds like she's missing you as much as you are missing her binkies. You understand that it's temporary, but unfortunately she doesn't. And I would think stairs would be a no-no right now. Maybe in 2 weeks?



Hi! I just had Faith spayed a month ago and my vet told me to confine her for 10-14 days. No jumping, climbing, or running. She was on pain meds for 4 days. She reacted so badly to the syringe that we had to put the meds on a very small piece of lettuce. She ate the piece and therefore the meds. It's not the ideal way, but it was better than traumatizing her right after surgery, poor bunny. (we only had her 2 weeks at that point so she wasn't used to being with us) She actually liked the taste of the meds, just not the syringe. I didn't have to worry about stiches bc she was glued together on the outside. I really liked it bc she never fooled with the incision.
The 2 weeks goes by fast and you'll have your bunny back to her old self again :biggrin2:
When Sweetie was spayed, she had to be confined for 2 weeks and I had to by a hay ball so that she could eat her hay. She was on pain meds for a few days. Then when the two weeks were up she was allowed to hop around and be herself. After she was spayed, she didn't eat and drink right after, I had to coax her to eat and drink. We were on our way home when half way there, she drank some water. Then when we got home she started eating.
Sorry for the delayed response. Ralhie is doing great and made a very quick recovery. Within a week she was back to her normal self. Her stitches have heeled up just fine. It has been about 2 weeks now and she is her vivavious self :) Love my baby--and thank you all for your input. Have a great weekend!

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