Rabbits, Vitamin C and Oxalates

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Studies on vitamin c excess being converted to oxalates, which may start kidney stones are largely based on humans, who, like guinea pigs, DO need vitamin c from their diet as they can not produce their own, so do absorb it into their bodies. Rabbits DO NOT need vitamin C in this way as they produce it themselves, and there is no evidence that they even absorb it from their food, so this subject is not clear cut and therefore controversial. Some studies have shown in rabbits that a high intake of vit c did not contribute to the formation of stones, and some argue that what they are fed is of little significance because they produce so much themselves. The RWAF's advice is that healthy rabbits should not be fed a Vit C supplement, and for this reason guinea pig food should be avoided.

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