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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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well, i ws watching the tv about some peple having auisum. (sp?)(i really cant spell to day, i wrote irish in my spinish exam...:shock:)

an ay. i though about those petting farms and stuff. and how animals helpped people with special needs, not only autisim, all other things. well the big idea is to opena little, well im not calling it a petting farm/zoo, or aany thing like that, but rabbits and maybe some other animals for them to stroke and talk to. and info if eve the wanted one as a pet.

im like, 12. and this seems like a 20 somethings job. but in 2026, do you think i could. or is it one of thouse, its good but not happening things??
You might be better off taking animals to people (sort of like PAT Dogs), although that far in the future you might be able to work out a good way to do it that is safe for the animals and people.

That's a good thing to work towards doing :)

Animals are very good for people will illnesses (physical and mental), the elderly, people with special needs, all sorts. I think my Summer would be an excellent 'PAT Rabbit'.

Good luck with this :)
i can see it now, "rabbit van, pat rabbits and small aanimas for all your pets! "lol

yes thats a good idea, maybe "base" then moving to houses, so the animals have a home in the building..

my target.:biggrin2:
There was a programme on RTE about these people in Ireland who trained rabbits to sit quietly in little kids laps and not mind being handled a little roughly, the trainers brought the rabbits around to schools for blind children so the kids could pet them
cool. mhh, my new job......

ok its just a dream.

what rté? 1 or 2, and when was it on. like 2 rs ago or resant
I've heard of people who work with special needs people and/or the elderly, and they include animals as part of therapy sessions. Maybe once a week or once a month, they will bring animals in as special visits, all as part of therapy. (These sessions include extra people to work with the animals while they're there.) I'm not sure if the animals belong to or are handled by the therapists, or if the therapist link up with animal handlers/trainers to do it, but all the reports I've read about it are quite positive. (At least one instance I've heard of included one or more rabbits, others just use dogs.)

I don't know if there's something like this in Ireland, if so maybe you could look into it as a future career. If there isn't something like this already, maybe you could be the first. :)

I went to a college that had Horticultural Therapy as an actual degree program. This is similar, but uses plants as part of the therapy process. A lot of people think it's kinda new-age-y, but it can be used to really help people. (I had a friend who had this degree, after school he was hired to run a garden at a live-in facility for troubled teens, most of them had been in legal trouble or on the streets, and were in this place to get their life back on track instead of jail. The main garden was food plants, the teen residents each had tasks they did in the garden to help provide food for themselves, and some people had ornamental plants, as well. Some of the kids didn't get much from it, but others learned a lot, even if it was just anger management by pulling weeds!)
Anyway, that was a long story and sort of off-topic, but I put it in as an example, and if things like that can be done with plants, there should be worlds of opportunity to work with animals like that.
irishlops wrote:
cool. mhh, my new job......

ok its just a dream.

what rté? 1 or 2, and when was it on. like 2 rs ago or resant
I think it was 2, not that long ago, about a month ago I'd say. I think it was on that programme 'Consuming Passions'.
ah, oill look up on the website. and peel my eyes for repeats....

yay more positive news! bethm , thanks, i feel it mght be possbile. ill look to see if there is any in ireland.

if not look out 2024! lol

thanks for al the postive post, and info. like irishbunny, (can you like replay stuff on RTÉ)

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