rabbits fur pulled out on paws

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Apr 18, 2005
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hi there im just back from holidays, my friendwas looking after my female rabbit and since i have came back she haspulled all the fur out of her paws i have never seen her do thatbefore,she has had the odd bald patch on her back but never like this.i had thought had she missed the male raabit i have only had him toweeks before that. she does seem in good form.

How long were you away for? Maybe it's like a fretting thing?
I am not sure, but keep an eye on your bunny and if it getsworse and she contiunes to pull fur out I 'd suggest a tripto the vet.

Did your friend play with your bun whilst you were away?
Some animals liked to get lots more lovins' when their mummy or daddy is away from them.
Has she done anything like this before?

Some animals do fret for their human slaves when they are seperated.

Mites can also do that. It's hard to tell whichit is (except mites cause a flaky dandruff-type thing). I have a littlehair-puller too (can't figure it out!), a little Holland buck....and tomake it worse he had mites as well, so it took me awhile to figure outwhat he was doing.

The difference? The mite bald patch was under his ear, where he can'tpull, and he was itchy, and there was white flakes on the skin. Thepulled patch was on his flanks, with just a little clean downy furleft, and I found little chunks of Fenwick hair strewn around the cage.

Oh yeah, and the real test: kitty flea powder cleared his ear up but not his flanks.

Good luck figuring it out!

I was away for two weeks,she had a bald patch onher back once but it was not like this. my friend has a little boy andshe said that zoe got on well with him. im taking her to the vets onmonday as well as the male to get him his injections, i had her at thevets before to get her teeth trimmed he said her fur was clean therewere no mites.
I'm guessing you're right about the pullingthen. Too bad, isn't it, since that's harder to get ridof!:?Anyway, good luck!

i said to the vet today about me being away onholidays and her doing this she said rabbits can get stressed being ina different enviorment, she said to keep an eye on it if it gets anyworse to bring her back. also i took buster to get him checked out andsee about him nuetered but iam worried because my first wee rabbit diedunder the anesthetic when i went to get her spayed she did not get theopp,i just hope it will be ok for him.

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