Rabbits eating their poop!?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Hi there,

I know that rabbits often eat their morning/night poops (cecotropes), but what about their regular droppings?

Last night my bunny was binkying on my bed and as usual a few poops drop out (im glad he'll go to his litter box to wee now and not on my bed!).

Out of curiosity i held up his poop to his face and he eat it...........

Is this normal?

Is it bad for them?

angieluv wrote:
Usually they only eat the cecal but he must have thought it was a treat. :)

it won't hurt him
Haha i know it sounds mean but when he eat it i couldnt stop laughing. Maybe its a guy thing, im in my mid 20's and should be more mature, but something about a pet eating his own poop when fed it seemed hilarious at the time.
And I have the opposite reaction. I know it is normal and necessary for them to eat the cecal but it still makes me go *blech* when I see it.:yuck

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