Rabbits at Six Flags Marine World

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
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Antioch, California, USA
Here is an email that I sent my local HRSChapter in Richmond, CA regarding three rabbits that are being kept atthe Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo, CA. I feel strongly that theserabbits should be placed in homes where they can be loved and takingcare of properly. I;m asking for a boycott of all Six Flags AmusementParks to protest such awlful treatment of rabbits. They don't belong insuch a facility ... they don't growl or jump through hoops.


[size=[b]Rabbits at Six Flags MarineWorld[/b]]


Joyce Boeckner-Colabianchi

[align=right]12:03 am (0 minutes ago)[/align]

I would like to knowhow the HRS feels regarding the keepingof rabbits outside at Six Flags MarineWorld. My husband and I recentlyvisited the "amusement park" during an office picnic that was heldthere. While speaking to the docent in charge of the penguin exhibit,my husband mentioned that I had a pet rabbit. she informed us thatthere were several rabbits on the premises. When we encountered thefirst rabbit (it look to be a rex) it was hundle in a pen with nothingbut dirt. It had an open bowl of water, but kids were able to throwdirt wads in it. While I was standing there (feeling sorry for the poorthing) ... one of the park's security personel made a comment saying,"I wish I had a rock to throw at it." My husband spoke up and told theman that, that wasn't a wise thing for him to say. I immediate gotdefensive with him, telling him that I had a rabbit at home that I hadadopted from the Richmond HRS and that there were too many people likehimself that were cruel and abusive to these innocent creatures. hetold me that he was only joking ... I replied that this wasn't a jokingmatter ... that by making statements like that and having others (parkvisitors) hear those statements ... there was more possibility ofanimal cruelty progressing in our society.

As we approached the second rabbit area ... the two rabbits looked likethey were being treated much better than the first one. They had anenclosure that was padded with wall-to-wall grass ... there was a cagewith a water bottle inside (out of the reach of kids or adults for thatmatter). A man standing next to me commented to his small son that thepair of rabbits looked "juicy and tasty."I just gave him alook that would kill ... but even that had no affect on him ... he justlaughed and walked away with a stupid grin on his face.

Even though they looked happier, I don't feel that Six Flags MarineWorld is the proper environment for rabbits under any circumstances. Ireally don't like the idea of any animals being there ... the only onesthat really get all the attention are the show animals. Their sadexhibit "petting zoo" (so to speak) is just that ... sad. I would liketo call your attention to this and asked for your support. I feel thatthese rabbits should have a loving and proper home.

I left a message the next day after our visit for the public relationscontact (who has not returned my call). I feel that arranging a boycottmight force them to release these rabbits to people who could bettercare for them.
Joyce [/align]
Post Pictures ofthe alledged abuse < Do NOT callfor a Boycott with outPicture proof for back up . Justbecause someone said thisand someone said that, Does Not make it so . Anyonecan walk in see one thing out of place ,and complain and eitherbe justified or not, can stirup a lot of unnecessary Drama .
Pics would probably be a good idea ... however,I still stand firm regarding the fact that rabbits in general do notbelong in an Amusement/ Marine/Wild Animal Park. They need to be in anuturing environment which was the main theme behind my posting. Peoplepay money to enter these parks and can pretty much do and say whateverthey want during their visit (which includes areas where they come indirect contact with helpless creatures such as these rabbits). I can'tstand by and not speak out about something like this. I wouldn't callfor such an urgent effort if I didn't deem it necessary. I pamper myHarley ... he was rescued from God knows what ... after five years hestill is a little gun-shy. I figure the least I can do is to give himall the love and care I can muster ... I won't apologize for myposting, I've learned over the years that one small voice joined withother small voices gets thing s done. These rabbits need to be removedand relocated in a better environment.

BunOne2 wrote:
Pics would probably be a good idea ... however, I stillstand firm regarding the fact that rabbits in general do not belong inan Amusement/ Marine/Wild Animal Park. They need to be in a nuturingenvironment which was the main theme behind my posting. People paymoney to enter these parks and can pretty much do and say whatever theywant during their visit (which includes areas where they come in directcontact with helpless creatures such as these rabbits). I can't standby and not speak out about something like this. I wouldn't call forsuch an urgent effort if I didn't deem it necessary. I pamper my Harley... he was rescued from God knows what ... after five years he still isa little gun-shy. I figure the least I can do is to give him all thelove and care I can muster ... I won't apologize for my posting, I'velearned over the years that one small voice joined with other smallvoices gets thing s done. These rabbits need to be removed andrelocated in a better environment.


Joyce , May I callYou Joyce , I am probably going toget basted and bashed for this butI really dont care .

Just because You and I and 99.9 % of thisboard pamper , coddle and fret overour rabbits does not meaneveryone in the world is going to dothe same , I Myself haveissues with some of the treatment ofanimals , but when you peopleget it thru your head just becauseYOUdecided to make a pet out offood we are going to havethis problem .

Maybe I dont agree how you Keephouse, maybe I dont agree howyou raise your children , maybejust maybe I dont agree with spoiling ananimal to the point of it losesits Identity as an animal . DoYou see me boycotting your thread, running to your house andyelling screaming and bohoooing about whatyour doing?

My Question is No One and No Placeis 100 % perfect no matter what theissues may be . Go ahead shutdown Six Flags , or anyotherpetting Zoo type place , Thenlts hear you Fuss and whinebecause your taxes tripledbecause they forfeit the taxmoney because stupid peopleshut them down .

Put Your passion into Harley ,you say you rescued himfrom what ever indignity . well goodfor You some of ushave been there more times thanyou have , My self in fact overa 20 yr span ,

My best suggestion is shut thethread and get onwith your life ,unless pictres are shown I would suggesteveryone BOYCOTT this thread .

I have a prefect solution ,:: Why Not putsome of the energy and passion yourputting into Six Flags into someHurricane relief in the Southernstates devistated this past week ? Imsure they could use someof Your passion and Zeal .
Most people on this forum are not asnarrow-minded as yourself ... I can only offer you my pity for that.I'm not asking Six Flags Marine World to shut down their operation (youhave missed the whole point of my posting). Although I'm dislike seeingany creature caged ... I feel (let me say this one last time) thatrabbits DON"T BELONG IN THIS FACILITY. The point of posting was torally "rabbit people" (which I am having a hard time recognizing thatYOU belong to this group) to make a statement that rabbits have rightsand sometimes it takes people like myself to act and speak on theirbehalf. I know that there members that breed rabbits for show and somethat breed them as a food source (very few visit this forum). Thisforum has in the past and I hope with all my heart be one that anyrabbit guardian can come to for help and support ... **keyword here is:SUPPORT Can't you see the bigger picture? Can't you see that somethingneeds to be done. Maybe I haven't care for as many rabbits as you sayyou have ... that doesn't mean that I am stupid (I personally takeoffense to that). Harley makes the second rabbit in my life ... I hadanother bun, Bugs. I print out and take copies of flyers every yeararound Easter to local pet shops to help educate people (parentsmostly) on why they shouldn't purchase rabbits for their smallchildren. Most pet shops are ok with this ... they understand that I amnot there to heed their sale of rabbits, but rather to heed the abusethat can occur later on ... when the new wears off and the poorcreatures are turned out to fend for themselves ... or some are thrownout of vehicles because their caretakers are too ashamed to releasethem to a shelter or someone that could care for them. Six Flags is nodifferent ... rabbits haven't always been a part of theirvenue ... this is the first time in several visits in the past that Ihave seen them there.

As far as me being involved with the Hurricane efforts back East ... Iwrote a check for $100 on Tuesday of this week to the Red Cross branchin our community ... I have also given blood that could be used for amedical condition in that area. I'm not just a rabbit person, I havecompassion for all God's creatures ... even you! This will be my lastresponse to you ... it is my hope that you will take a step back andreally take a good look at what it is that I'm asking for ... if youstill don't agree ... FINE ... but please don't influence others thatmight feel the same way I do.

P.S. Regarding the pics ... the pics I have in my mind that run overand overare all the proof I need that something needs to bedone about this situation.

Why shouldn't a rabbit be kept in a wild park ???? After all rabbits are wild creatures.

I can see your point BUT what is so awful ?? Ok they will not betreated as good as our buns, but it seems to me that with wild parks,zoos etc... the rabbits are better cared for, than being in the wild.At least they have some kind of medical treatment.

What do you expect they have in these places, comfy beds, cuddly toys ???? Rabbits were not originally pets.

As for the parents making comments, that's part of life. We all hear comments about animals and we may not like what is said.

They need to be in a nuturing environment which was the main themebehind my posting - So you are basically saying that any rabbite.g. wild, breeding, meat etc... should not be in those environments.

If there were photos too, that may help, but with what you are describing, doesn't sound like it should be closed down.

I'm very sorry, but your asking for support, for a situation I see as not perfect but acceptable from what you have written.

I happen to agree with Gypsy, sorry !
Sorry I happen to agree with Gypsy too on this one.

Sounds like they had food, water, and shelter and were not being abused to me.

Pics of abuse running thru your head don't do much for building your case....
BunOne2 wrote:
The point of posting was to rally "rabbit people"(which I am having a hard time recognizing that YOU belong to thisgroup) to make a statement that rabbits have rights and sometimes ittakes people like myself to act and speak on their behalf.

I willspeak up for gypsy. The things she has done for heranimals is above and beyond the call of duty. I can speak fromexperience in working with her to rescue just one recently.

The point of posting was to rally "rabbitpeople" (which I am having a hard time recognizing that YOU belong tothis group) - I must of missed that bit. What is thatsupposed to mean. Seeing as you have been a member of here since Jan05. YOU would have seen that Gypsy is very much active here, and Icannot imagine that YOU could of not seen that yourself. Icannot see what is the point of this comment ????

Couldn't agree more with you Rose.

Gypsy is one or most loved and respected members of this forum.

Zee wrote:
The point of posting was to rally "rabbit people" (whichI am having a hard time recognizing that YOU belong to this group)- I must of missed that bit. What is that supposed tomean. Seeing as you have been a member of here since Jan 05. YOU wouldhave seen that Gypsy is very much active here, and I cannot imaginethat YOU could of not seen that yourself. I cannot see whatis the point of this comment ????

Couldn't agree more with you Rose.

Gypsy is one or most loved and respected members of this forum.
BunOne2 wrote:
[align=center]When we encountered the first rabbit (it look to be arex) it was hundle in a pen with nothing but dirt. It had an open bowlof water, but kids were able to throw dirt wads in it. [/align]

Rabbits actuallylove dirt runs. And mine throw dirt in theirOWN water bowls. Actually, free-feeding grass can be more of aproblem.

Rabbits in petting zoos aren't an ideal situation, but they are usuallynot too badly off. I saw one in Silver Dollar City that was similar.The rabbits looked a bit harassed but other than that were placidenough.

Major problems would be: unrelieved sun exposure, large piles of fecesand urine,injurious/abusive handling, lack of food and water(keep in mind they may be fed after park hours but should always havewater), and exposure to predators at night. It sounds as if theseissues were not present or I assume they would have been mentioned inyour petition. I agree that pictures are necessary to the success ofsuch apetition.


I am only this one last timeresponding tothis thread , Firstoff it s eems you got thewrong responses , not Quite what you werelooking for right ,

AS FOR BEING NARROW MINDED ,. what a freakin joke ,Woman I am the least Narrow Minded person onthis thread , OR on this forum . WhenYou hit my age and have seenhalf the abuse andneglect I have seen then youmay sit their on your highhorse and call someone narrowminded .

Explain to me just wherein either of my posts to youdid I call youor even hint to the fact you were Stupid?Do NOT put words in my MouthNor Fingers If I was going tocall you such I wouldhave ,straight out plain andsimple . I can see just by the wayyou are trying to rally te t roops soto speak you are nothing less than atroll and with only 22 postssince Jan 10th , I dontseem much of a Rabbit Person inyou . where a re your Questions , whereare your responses ?

You My Dear , the next time you tryand start a trolling thread really shouldbring a camera and use it instead ofthe Mind , Picturesare worth a 1000 words ,Words are only worth what theyare written on .

And which Porganization is it you belong to ?
My Question is NoOne and No Place is 100 % perfect nomatter what the issues may be . Goahead shut down Six Flags ,or anyother petting Zoo type place, Then lts hear youFuss and whine because your taxestripled because theyforfeit the tax moneybecause stupid people shutthem down .
I guess the above statement that you made doesn't apply to me,huh? You wrote these words ... I didn't put words or fingers (whateverthat means) in your mouth.

Yes, it would seem that you have quite a following ... Regardless, Istill stand by my orginal statement, I will not step down or apologizefor anything I have said TODAY. I feel strongly about rabbits and willkeep doing everything I can in my power (with or without the help fromsome members on this forum). I hold no disrepect for any of you ... weare all open to our opinions ... I will agree to disagree regardingyour beliefs.

To those of you who questioned the fact that Gypsy has so many morepostings that I ... I pose this question: "When did it became acompetition as to how postings we have or don't have." I have nodisrepect for any of you that spoke on behalf of Gypsy ... I'm sure shehas done good things for her rabbits or for rabbits in general (whichonly confuses me when she takes the stand she has with my posting).

As far, age goes ... you are younger than I and even that doesn't matter when it comes to our love and devotion toward rabbits.

I feel sad for you ... first you imply that I'm stupid and then deny itand then you refer to me as a troll. Is it necessary to take downpeople in order to build yourself up? There is no need to make remarkslike that about anyone. I come to this forum when I can and I try tooffer my help and support when I can and yet I am not as valuable asyou because you have more postings ... this truly is a sad day.

Rabbits are not wild (unless you are referringto wild hare or jack rabbits) ... we as humans have chosen todomesticate(sp ??) them. As a result they are totally dependent on usfor all their needs. No they weren't meant to be pets ... but as youshould reconize there are a lot of animals that could be placed in thatgroup. Do you think snakes or rats were meant to be pets ... I rest mycase.

If these rabbits were given a voice I'm pretty sure that they wouldrather be with a bun guardian who would cuddle them and care for them... not a park caretaker who is paid to feed and clean up after them.

I will not and cannot accept the conditions that these animals areliving in ... if you think they are justified maybe you should loan outyou own buns to a local zoo or petting area for awhile ... under yourbelief they would fair just fine.

I don't see any way of making "my point" anyclearer. You either support me or you don't. As much as I would likethis forum's support, I know in my heart what I am doing is RIGHT.

Rabbits in petting zoos aren't an idealsituation, but they are usually not too badly off. I saw one in SilverDollar City that was similar. The rabbits looked a bit harassed butother than that were placid enough.

They were placid enough ... I had to cringe when I read your words. Isthat what you want for your own bun (s)? I want the best for ALLRABBITS including Harley. It saddens me when ever I see injustice ...

BunOne2 wrote:
Idon't see any way of making "my point" any clearer. You either supportme or you don't. As much as I would like this forum's support, I knowin my heart what I am doing is RIGHT.


Aye yes, but if they take GOOD care of the rabbits why should you tell them its wrong?

My mother and sister visited an animal "park" this past week (whichwill remain UN-NAMED) and they have rabbits, all out doors. I went tothe "park" last year and vowed never to return due do the fact thatthey had two rabbits in with a capabara (WOOHOO YOU ALLLL KNOW I LOVECAPAS!) any way, they had a little black one and an angroa. Yes, theyhad food, but no water. I told someone how I felt about this and theythen made hutches for the rabbits and they are now in cages behind alion (eeks!). If you really disaprove of this then just don't givesix-flags your money! Very simple, ask your friends and family to stayaway from six-flags!! Personally, I will be attending with school thisupcoming school year and will see if they have rabbits and if so ifthey are treating them right!

No one is bashing your opinion but I do have to agree. Maybe they justdon't like people. They are not "people-pets". Rosie, although she isloved just as much as the other 6, does not like coming out of hercage! They can very well be "unsoical" rabbits! If they are being takencare of then they are fine! They have eachother and sometimes its all arabbit needs!

gypsy wrote:
I am only this one last timeresponding tothis thread , Firstoff it s eems you got thewrong responses , not Quite what you werelooking for right ,

AS FOR BEING NARROW MINDED ,. what a freakin joke ,Woman I am the least Narrow Minded person onthis thread , OR on this forum . WhenYou hit my age and have seenhalf the abuse andneglect I have seen then youmay sit their on your highhorse and call someone narrowminded .

Explain to me just wherein either of my posts to youdid I call youor even hint to the fact you were Stupid?Do NOT put words in my MouthNor Fingers If I was going tocall you such I wouldhave ,straight out plain andsimple . I can see just by the wayyou are trying to rally te t roops soto speak you are nothing less than atroll and with only 22 postssince Jan 10th , I dontseem much of a Rabbit Person inyou . where a re your Questions , whereare your responses ?

You My Dear , the next time you tryand start a trolling thread really shouldbring a camera and use it instead ofthe Mind , Picturesare worth a 1000 words ,Words are only worth what theyare written on .

And which Porganization is it you belong to ?

Hey Gypsy, just ignore it! You know myself among others here ADORE YOU!! I know i cant go without your prayers and advise!!


I know I should beashamed , not for what I wrote butfor letting some onebait me into an argument .

Joyce if you feel the need to takeon the hairshirt ofpeople in general by all meansgo for it .

I stand by what I wrote . andan FYI ! I ask NO ONE to have my opinion . and Ihave asked NO ONE to back me upits their choice.
BunOne2 wrote:
Rabbits in petting zoos aren't an ideal situation, butthey are usually not too badly off. I saw one in Silver Dollar Citythat was similar. The rabbits looked a bit harassed but other thanthat were placid enough.

They were placid enough ... I had to cringe when I read your words. Isthat what you want for your own bun (s)? I want the best for ALLRABBITS including Harley. It saddens me when ever I see injustice ...


I have seen rabbits in the worst of situations. A few too manysticky-fingered pets from five-year-olds is not abuse, although it isannoying. The Flemish giant I saw was sleeping in bunnyloaf mode andopening one eye far enough to glare at the kids who disturbed her napwith "PAT the bunny!". But she, Flemish-like, was too lazy and sleepyto move.

And yes, I volunteered my own for a petting zoo a few years back. Theyhad a wonderful time, loved the attention and dragged me from kid tokid chinning shoes. My buck chased a puppy.

It's not petting zoos but mill breeders that get me riled up.


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