Rabbits and dental health

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Rabbits Need Dental Care Too
[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif"]What You Need to Know About Your Rabbit'sMouth

[align=left][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]BySari Kanfer, DVM and Alexandra Logsdon[/font][/align]
[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Most people knowthat rabbits have four large incisors (front teeth), but not everyonerealizes that they also have other teeth besides those large incisors.They have two tiny incisors located right behind the upper incisors.These are called peg teeth. In the back of their mouth they have sixupper and five lower cheek teeth on each side. The incisors have asharp edge and scissor-like action, and are mainly used to slicethrough vegetation; and the cheek teeth are used for grinding food intosmaller pieces (chewing) for swallowing.

Rabbit teeth are similar to horse teeth. They have evolved over time tobreak down tough, fibrous vegetation, such as grasses, weeds, twigs andleaves, the natural forage of wild rabbits. To compensate for thisconstant wear, rabbit teeth are open-rooted, which means they growcontinuously throughout their lives.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]A rabbit whosediet is insufficient in fiber, such as a pellets-only diet, will beunable to properly wear down its teeth. When this happens, the crown(the visible section of the tooth) grows higher and meets the opposingtooth abnormally, leading to abnormal wear and the eventual developmentof sharp edges or points (also called spurs). Sharp tooth edges arepainful and can get long enough to cut the tongue, or can cut theinside of the cheeks, causing soft tissue abscesses. When teeth don'tocclude (meet) properly, it is called malocclusion. Maloccluded teethcreate abnormal pressure against one another, which can cause the toothroots to become impacted, elongated and inflamed. Tooth root impactionis extremely painful and will eventually lead to an infection in thebone, or "jaw abscess." [/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Once a rabbit hasa malocclusion, it is likely that he will never have normal teeth, andmay require frequent vet visits, regular tooth trims under anesthesia,and possibly even abscess surgery. With tooth trims and increaseddietary fiber we can keep rabbits comfortable and provide them with agood quality of life. But tooth problems cannot be ignored - they willnot get better on their own. Your best bet is early diagnosis andcareful monitoring.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Normal Rabbit Teeth[/font]

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[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Some Commonly Asked Questions[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]How Do I Keep My Rabbit’s Teeth Healthy?
Yearly or twice yearly dental check-ups by your rabbit savvy vet, plusa healthy, high fiber diet are two important factors in keeping theteeth in good shape.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Hay is the mostimportant part of your rabbit’s diet, not only because of the necessaryfiber content that keeps the gut functioning properly, but also becauseit requires a great deal of chewing. We also believe, from hours ofobserving both domestic and wild rabbits, that it is important to offeryour rabbit a daily variety of hays. Why? Because different hays havedifferent textures, and different hay textures require differentchewing mechanics, and thus help to keep those ever-growing teeth worndown naturally. Limiting the pellets that you feed your rabbit isimportant, because it will help encourage your rabbit to eat more hay,rather than filling up on the less fibrous food. [/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]It is alsohelpful to offer your rabbit tough, fibrous tree branches, leaves andtwigs. It is important to make sure you gather these from rabbit-safetrees and bushes that have NOT been chemically treated withfertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. While wooden chew blocks arefun to play with and great for the front teeth (if your rabbitchews on them), they are not particularly useful for the backteeth.[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]
Some rabbit-safe chewables you may find in your yard:

• Orange or lemon trees – branches may be fed fresh or dried
• Apple trees – branches may be feed fresh or dried
• Willow - branches may be fed fresh or dried
• Maple, Ash and Pine trees – branches should be dried
• Rose Canes – remove thorns, branches and leaves may be fed fresh or dried

You may want to rinse the branches in water, or place in the freezer overnight to kill any bugs.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]To Sum Up: Boththe rabbits front and back must be considered for good dentalhealth. To help keep the teeth properly worn down, a rabbit must usethem almost constantly; munching on hay throughout the day, as well asoffering frequent branches, twigs and dried leaves helps to accomplishthis. [/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]How do I know if my rabbit has bad teeth?
Yearly (or more) visits to a rabbit-experienced veterinarian areessential. The veterinarian can do a fairly decent dental exam on anawake rabbit using a special mouth cone and good palpation, but acomplete and thorough oral exam requires anesthesia. When your rabbitis under anesthesia to be spayed or neutered, this is an excellent timefor the doctor to do a thorough oral exam. And of course, when aproblem is suspected a complete oral exam, including skull x-rays, isindicated.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]What can I doat home, on a regular basis, to monitor my rabbit'steeth?[/font]

  1. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Make sure yourrabbit eats his daily pellet and veggie portions eagerly, andthat he munches on his hay frequently throughout the day.[/font]
  2. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Note anychanges in your rabbits eating habits: no longer eating produce,ignoring pellets or having a hard time chewing them, eating less haythan usual, abnormal feces.[/font]
  3. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Feel the leftand right sides of your rabbit’s head - in front of the eyes, below theeyes on the cheekbone, and under the lower jaw. If you feel a lump onone side that is not on the other, go to your rabbit vet as soon as youcan. [/font]
  4. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Gently lift upupper lips to look at the incisors - do they meet evenly? If not, giveyour vet a call. [/font]
  5. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Check for anydrooling or excessive wetness under chin (but don't worry if yourrabbit has a moist chin for a short time after drinking or after eatingvegetables). [/font]
  6. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]If your rabbitgives bunny kisses, you can smell his breath. A rotten odor is reasonfor a vet check. Beware - parsley-breath is nice, butcecotroph-breath can be pungent! [/font]
  7. [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Eye and/ornasal discharge can also be a sign that something is wrong with yourrabbit's teeth.[/font]
[font="Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif"]My rabbit is eating and not showingany signs of pain, doesn't that mean his teeth are healthy?
NO! Rabbits are prey animals. This means that in the wild everythingeats them, and if they show signs that they are ill, they are morelikely to be targeted for dinner. Our domestic rabbits hide their painin much the same way: This is why rabbits are so (frighteningly) goodat hiding illnesses and why we as owners must be so diligent inobserving them for small changes, as well as making sure that they getfrequent vet check-ups and good vet care as-needed. Many rabbits havehuge abscesses, or tongues nearly cut in half, before they start toshow signs like drooling or decreased appetite. This is why its soimportant to have your rabbit's mouth checked regularly by a rabbitexperienced vet.

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Rabbits have thepotential for many tooth problems, which can affect their lifelonghealth. This is why it is so important to be observant, proactive anddiligent about preventative care.[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Dr. SariKanfer practices at Animal Medical & Dental Group in ManhattanBeach and can be reached for appointments or consultations at(310)546-5731. She joined the board of Zooh Corner as Medical Directorin January of 2002.[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]AlexandraLogsdon has run Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue since 1993 and has many yearsof practical experience. She may be reached via e-mail[email protected]
, or via thewebsitehttp://www.mybunny.org[/font][font="Verdana,Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"] [/font]
Thank You BassetLuv: Great Article , and handyconcidering I was looking for an article on bunnyteeth the other day .
Matthew hasbeen studying animal teethfor science and learning to identify carnivores, herbivores andomnivores by examining the teeth. There is a wildlifelearningcenter near us with aslew of animal skulls,so he can get a lot of hands on experience -- it's prettycool. Rodents and lagomorphs have open rooted teeth --different from other herbivore teeth such as horses. Horseshave 2 sets of teeth just as humans do, where rodents and lagomorphshave1 set of permanently growing teeth. Lagomorphshave uniquely different incisors from rodents. Not only dothey have a double set of top incisors, but they also have incisorscompletely covered in enamel. Rodents teeth are softermaterial on the backs and only the front on the incisors are enamelcovered.

There is also an animal park close to us for Matthew. Hefound out the hard way that camels only have a bottom set of incisors-- when the huge creature took Matt's entire hand into his mouth! (Itmistook his hand for a graham cracker)

Poor Matthew, How rude of that Camel lol .

While we are on the subject of Rabbitteeth Can You tell mewhat the Term "Coke BottleTeeth means " thisis a term I have neverheard before and the reason I w aslooking for Teeth information . Isit the same malady as Maloclussion? or is it a seperate ToothIssue ?
gypsy wrote:
Poor Matthew, How rude of that Camel lol .

While we are on the subject of Rabbitteeth Can You tell mewhat the Term "Coke BottleTeeth means " thisis a term I have neverheard before and the reason I w aslooking for Teeth information . Isit the same malady as Maloclussion? or is it a seperate ToothIssue ?

I've never heard of the term "coke bottle teeth", but I'm guessing thatis is a form of malocclusion or tooth breakage similar to that a humanwould suffer from opening coke bottles with his/her teeth.Baby bottle teeth refers to decay of a baby's teeth.

pamnock wrote:
Hefound out the hard way that camels only have a bottom set of incisors-- when the huge creature took Matt's entire hand into his mouth! (Itmistook his hand for a graham cracker)


Poor Matthew!! :kiss:

That had to hurt!

Great article you posted up.

I'll bookmark this for future reference!


-<3 Katy
Carolyn wrote:
pamnock wrote:
He found outthe hard way that camels only have a bottom set of incisors -- when thehuge creature took Matt's entire hand into his mouth! (It mistook hishand for a graham cracker)


Poor Matthew!! :kiss:

That had to hurt!


He got bit on the back by a zebra that same day :X

We have now discovered his omnivorous hamster's favorite treat -- butterflies :p


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