I have two female rabbits, molly and frankie. recently I have been worried about fly strike and have become a little obsessed and paranoid I think.
Yesterday I found poo stuck to molly's tail under her anus, quite alot was stuck and took me a while to break it up. I had to wash molly and she was so good she didn't struggle.
They are both very clever and not too bad temprement wise considering I haven't yet had the heart to have them neutered but I worry that I may be feeding them too much and can't clean properly, are too satisfied by the amount or type of food I feed them so are not eating the caecotrophs?
I read about fly strike and began to get really worried. Anyway to cut a long story short, I cleaned them both and had a look too check their bits.... I could see the vent then the rectum which looks similar to the male anyway but then noticed two slits either side of the rectum entrance.....I am confused. What are they, are they normal and am I worrying about nothing.
Yesterday I found poo stuck to molly's tail under her anus, quite alot was stuck and took me a while to break it up. I had to wash molly and she was so good she didn't struggle.
They are both very clever and not too bad temprement wise considering I haven't yet had the heart to have them neutered but I worry that I may be feeding them too much and can't clean properly, are too satisfied by the amount or type of food I feed them so are not eating the caecotrophs?
I read about fly strike and began to get really worried. Anyway to cut a long story short, I cleaned them both and had a look too check their bits.... I could see the vent then the rectum which looks similar to the male anyway but then noticed two slits either side of the rectum entrance.....I am confused. What are they, are they normal and am I worrying about nothing.