Rabbitry Tour!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Thurston County, Washington, USA
Hey guys! So I just got back from feeding the bunnies, and while I was out there, I took a video of my rabbitry, the exerise yard and the jump course!! Basically, all my facilities! LoL!

I thought I would share it with you all! Please excuse the empty dishes, low water levels, as I was just getting ready to feed them. Also, they're cages look kinda dirty (especially Sage's) but that's just the lighting, we just cleaned cages on Tuesday or Wednesday lol.

Also, Magic's door was only open because I opened it on the first video..this was the third take, I couldnt fit everything in the first 2 tries. He didn't jump out, and I only leave it open when I'm out there; he was fine whileI went out and showed the outside of the rabbitry.

Im uploading it to Photobucket as well, but that's taking forevvverrrr. lol. I think I'll have to try uploading it there later...hehe.

So, without further ado, here is my Rabbitry Tour!!! :)


Thanks everyone! :)

Yup Alicia! lol. I will have to have my sister take another vid of her either today or tomorrow. I was trying to just get the basics on the bunnies cuz i was running out of video time! Lol. If it were on an actual video camera, I would of opened all the cages and pet them and said more....hopefully I'll get one soon lol.

Neat tour! It's always fun to see someone's bunny set up. I was wondering: Is there one particular breed that is easier to train on the obstacle course?
My sister has told me that the Dutch and I think its Holland Lops, not sure. That do the best. I'm not totally sure why.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Neat tour! It's always fun to see someone's bunny set up. I was wondering: Is there one particular breed that is easier to train on the obstacle course?

Usually I see a lot of Holland Lops & Dutch who participate in Rabbit Hopping/Agility.

Mixbreds of various breeds are good as well.

Karlee (FallingStar) had her Palomino going at it for a while, and she was quite good :) She hasn't trained her in a while though.

Pretty much any breed can do it; except for like Angoras and some of the larger breeds as it's hard to get over the larger obstacles and stuff.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Usually I see a lot of Holland Lops & Dutch who participate in Rabbit Hopping/Agility.
Both of those breeds are usually pretty laid back. Maybe they are more eager to please than a more "independent" breed, like our Nethie. Or do you think it's more of a personality thing...or just really good training? ;)
wabbitmom12 wrote:
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Usually I see a lot of Holland Lops & Dutch who participate in Rabbit Hopping/Agility.
Both of those breeds are usually pretty laid back. Maybe they are more eager to please than a more "independent" breed, like our Nethie. Or do you think it's more of a personality thing...or just really good training? ;)

Hmm I'd have to say they're pretty eager to please and very easy to train as well.



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