Rabbitry name deliema

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Hi gang,

Alright, I've got a little bit of a dilemma. Since getting back into rabbits I've thought of names for my rabbitry. I raised horses a few years ago and had the name, Silver Starr Farms. I have always loved that name and so it was only logical to go with the name, Silver Starr Polish for my rabbitry.:bunnyheart I searched ARBA registered rabbitry directory and it was available so I sent in the paperwork last week to get it registered.

Well.....yesterday I went to rabbitandcavydirectory.com and looked at the polish breeders, lo and behold, there is already a rabbitry named SilverStar Polish!!:baghead Ah! Of course my name is spelled differently/and has a space between silver and star but they sound the same obviously. I feel so horrible, I don't know what to do. Should I call ARBA and think ofa different name? Or since thatname was never registered, just keep it? I emailed the owner of the other rabbitry and let her know I was so sorrybut had no idea that another rabbitry had that name and what I should do, she hasn't replied back. Eeek, I don't want any hard feelings here, what would be the best thing for me to do?:help

Sorry for the mispelled title-I can't edit it now.

As long as you guys aren't in the same town I wouldn't see a problem. There's only so many names you could think of, you're bound to get a similar name eventually. If the person doesn't mind, then I say keep it as is if you like it.
To avoid confusion, I'd change your registered name by adding your last name.

For example, "Smith's Silver Starr Polish", using a prefix of the beginning letters on your pedigrees ie SSSP. You might also consider something like "Smith's Silver Starr Rabbitry", rather than being breed specific, in the event that you add other breeds to your rabbitry.


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