For competitions, a Mini Rex should have a well-rounded back, with well-developed and filled shoulders, midsection and hindquarters. Their head should be well-filled and set on a short neck, with thick ears not longer than 3.5 inches. They should have medium-fine bone and rather short legs. Fur should be extremely dense, straight and upright. It should be smooth and springy, not too soft or silky. Fur must be between 1/2 inch and 7/8 inch long ideal length is 5/8 inch long.
The Mini Rex is judged 35 points on body, 5 for head, 5 for ears, 35 for fur, 15 for color and 5 for condition, making a total of 100 possible points. They are a four-class rabbit, which means there are four age groups they can be shown in. They are Senior Bucks (3 â 4.25 lbs, ideal 4 lbs), Senior Does (3.25 â 4.5 lbs, ideal 4.25 lbs), Junior Bucks (2 â 3.75 lbs) and Junior Does (2 â 3.75 lbs).
Black â dark, rich, lustrous black, running deeply towards the skin, blending into a dark blue under color. Eyes are dark brown.
Blue â dark blue, running as deeply towards the skin as possible, with a medium blue under color. Eyes are a blueish grey
Blue Eyed White â pure white, eyes blue
Broken â Any accepted variety in conjunction with white a broken with a balanced nose marking, eye markings, colored ears, colored tail and body spots. Colored area covering 10% to 50% of rabbit
Castor â a rich chestnut color tipped with black. The under color is slate blue with an orange intermediate band of color. Ears are laced in black. Surface color of the belly is cream, as well as the eye circles and jowls. Eyes are brown
Chinchilla â sparkling mix of pearl and black. Slate blue under color, white belly color. Ears are laced with black, and eye circles are pearl. Upper of tail is black, bottom is white. Eyes are brown or blueish grey
Chocolate â lustrous chocolate brown. Dove-grey under color. Brown eyes
Himalayan â body is bright white. Ears, feet, tail and nose dark blue or black. Dark toenails, pink eyes
Lilac â dove grey lightly tinted with a lilac shade. Matching toenails and blueish grey eyes
Lynx â light fawn color tipped with lilac. White under color. Eye circles, jowls, belly, inside of ears and underside of tail are white. Eyes are blueish grey
Opal â medium blue top color, fawn intermediate color and grayish blue under color. Underside of tail, jowls, belly, inside of ears and eye circles are to be white of cream. Eyes are blueish grey
Otter â Mainly black, blue, chocolate or lilac, with tan under belly, chin, tail and circular eye markings
Red â rich red with as little shading as possible. White or cream belly color. Eyes are brown
Sable Point â lighter brown all over and darker ears, nose, tail, feet. Eyes are brown
Seal â dark, dark brown body, fading to lighter brown on the belly and chest. Eyes are brown
Tortoise â rich orange with dark shading on the belly, feet, rear, sides, face and ears. Eyes are brown
White â pure white. Eyes are pink
Tri-Color â white with Black & Orange, Lilac & Fawn, Chocolate & Orange, or Blue & Fawn and is shown with the broken group....
Hope this helps it is not word for word what the standard says but I got it off of a web sit and just copied and pasted it........Toby