Rabbitry "Business" : Pedigree / Computer Programs

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Do you use a computer program for your pedigrees or to manage your rabbitry in any way?

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I used photoshop to create a pedigree and am working on biz cards in photoshop too. Just started with rabbits this spring so I am sure I will be doing more stuff but so far just been playing in photoshop.
I am really old fashioned I like to keep my breeding records by hand book for buck and 1 for does that way I can flck thro both books (if my memory isnt working that day) to see who is gonna breed what I am looking for.

I use word etc for my pedigrees and designed our business card on an internet site was good tho and chuffed with the ouctcome :)
I currently use Microsoft Picture It and Microsoft Office for creating my records. I also keep a couple of 3 ring binders filled with plastic page cover/pockets to keep all pedigrees, show/leg certificates and breeding records for each rabbit. I also have a separate hand written binder for medical information.

I just got a brochure about the Evans software program- thinking it might be simpler. lol.
I use Evans Software and also keep hand written records as a backup. The guys at Evans are so helpful and the program is very easy to use.

I also use Evans Software, but I keep 3 ring binders of all the pedigrees printed out, so I can reference them quickly if necessary. (Separate sections for bucks and does of each color. Separate binders for each breed.)
I use Microsoft Word for mine. I tried the sample of Evans but didn't really take to it.

I keep a binder for pedigrees that is organized by gender, color, and breed. I also keep written records that end up in another binder that has expenses, breeding records, medical records, etc. in it.
I currently just use the blank pedigree book that ARBA provides, but soon I hope to have some type of software on my computer.

I did have one at one point, but it was so confusing, and I didn't really have enough stock to really see a point in using it.

For buisness cards, I have been able to create my own in Microsoft (but just can't figure out how to get more on the same page to print!), but I've also used a website to create free printable cards.


If you have Microsoft Publisher, it has an option to do business cards. Then when it prints out it will allow you to print out a page of them. It's pretty easy. The sheets of card stock for business cards you buy at an office supply store are pretty cheap and easy...a good combination. :biggrin2:

I too found the software confusing. I played with it awhile and then decided it was easier doing it the less-technical way in Word. I guess when I have more than 20 bunnies I might look for another option. :)
Bunnymom,K wrote:
I currently use Microsoft Picture It and Microsoft Office for creating my records. I also keep a couple of 3 ring binders filled with plastic page cover/pockets to keep all pedigrees, show/leg certificates and breeding records for each rabbit. I also have a separate hand written binder for medical information.

I just got a brochure about the Evans software program- thinking it might be simpler. lol.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Evans software...it made my life so easy. There were times when I was able to import pedigrees into my program (from email) when another breeder would email me a pedigree. There were times when I had another breeder thinking about a rabbit and I could send them the pedigree via. email too (I would leave some things blank so that they couldn't use the pedigree without buying the rabbit..plus it didn't have my signature).

With Evans you can do the pedigree with phenotype (color) or genotype (the genetics behind it) or even with photos!

My favorite part (I have the deluxe edition) was the part where I could say "What will I be most likely to get if I breed this rabbit with that rabbit..?". It would look at the genetics in each rabbit's lineage and then give me predicted outcomes.

Evans was one of the best Christmas gifts my husband EVER gave me...
Well I had Kintracks for a little while, but once I got more into my rabbits and got more than four, I went back to the old ARBA paper book for writing them out(Kintracks wasn't really meant for that) and a large binder with my peds in it. Organized by breed, but all sharing the one binder for now. Eventually my dutch will win out and my hollands and mini rex will get their own binder. But i keep everything in that binder, all my show reports(I'm missing two- my first ever show and one that I never got back from Rhinebeck this past april) stapled to the photocopy of the entry form so i know who went exactly.

Eventually I'll be able to save up the money and get Evans. Several of the breeders that I have bought from use Evans and it's soo much neater than my penmenship.

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