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Apr 14, 2009
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I am about to design my own rabbitry, but I need some advice. I DO NOT want to to pans, and was wondering for those out there that have hanging cages, what do you do? Do you use worm beds, concrete, dirt floors etc.?

Also, what types of ventilation do you have? Fans, holes etc.?

Any pictures would be GREAT! Thanks! HR
I prefer to use pans in my barn actually, I find it is easier to dump out a single pan than to be scooping off of the floor all the time. I don't have hanging cages, though, I have stackers. Oh, and this would probably get more answers in the Rabbitry section, BTW. Welcome to RO!
I use a hanging cage system with worm bins beneath them. My cages are 3 high with 6 inch gaps between each row -but the steeper you go the more efficient your system will be. I've constructed ramps from outdoor tarping and every day I flick them to shake down any waste that has accumulated.

My worm bins have worked well. I still have to empty them every 3-4 months and the compost and castings make wonderful fertilizer!

I still recommend a ventilation system, I use a dual AC, Air circulating unit which keeps the place pretty comfortable.
My husband designed a system where the waste falls onto metal that is angled towards a gutter system. The gutter takes the waste to a bin. All I do it use a stick to move anything towards the bin that is sticking fast. It is much quicker to clean up than the trays. It also allows me to clean it more often eliminating odors from ammonia. I do it once a week, but I'm sure I could do it even less and it wouldn't get that bad for them.
I have also used the "gutter" system. It was sort of a pain to build and is NOT movable but if you look at the flush kleen system from KW cages- that is basically what mine was only we used metal roofing and a gutter in the middle. The system worked really well and I just washed it out with a hose everyday. Of course, mine washed out the back of the building into a pan that could either dry out and be shoveled for a really nice fertilizer or picked up with the tractor and hauled to the field when it was full- though probably not practical for most people.
Mine didn't go to the middle like the flush-kleen. Instead it was just one deep and went to a gutter. My systems have a gutter that angles to the middle and then go into a bin. I then dump it in the compost pile. It keeps the area very clean. I do not clean it with water except a few times a year. I take the bunnies out of those pens and use a cleaner and water on it. I'm afraid of chancing them getting wet and then sick.
My cages are outside (no barn or room in garage) and my dad whelded a stand for them to sit on top of and he clipped them together. The poo just falls onto the dirt below and we shovel it into wheel barrows to get rid of it. I have a friend that takes it all for his garden.

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