Active Member
Hello everyone,
I posted on here a week or so ago after buying a young rabbit (about 9weeks old) in a pet shop, and becoming worried that she was very thin,and was drinking a LOT of water.
Last Friday she stopped eating and defaecating, and wasn't her usualbouncy self. I felt her tummy, and she had a hard mass between the ribcage and hind legs, on her right side. I was worried that my youngdaughter had squeezed her too hard and ruptured something, and sorushed her to the vet. The vet said she had an impacted bowel whichcould rupture, and kept her in overnight to give her iv fluids. Theygave her the drugs temagesic, metaclop, metacam and lactulose, to gether bowels moving again. The next day the mass had gone, and she waseating and defaecating again - although the pellets seemed slightlydessicated.
She was a bit subdued for a couple of days, but is now lively andhappy. However this evening (in the evenings I bring her out of herhutch and have her on the sofa with me), she hasn't pooed at all, and Ican feel a similarly positioned hard mass, but this time on her LEFTside. She's eating ok, and leaping about, but the mass is definitelythere. It's definitely nothing to do with my daughter, as I only lether stroke her for a couple of minutes a time, very closely supervised.
Is her bowel impacted again?? Why does this keep happening? I feed herhay, timothy hay, and good quality pellets (burgess supra excel), asmany as she wants. She also has small quantities of carrots, and thismorning she had a little bit ofpear.
WHat can I do to stop this happening, and how can I disperse the massand get her to pass it? She's a lionhead, and although she's not hugelyfluffy, I thought the excess hair being ingested may be a problem. ButI read on the internet that the hair is not the problem, it's the lackof bowel motility.
I'm really concerned about this, and can't keep taking her to the vetsevery few days. Also, we are going away this weekend, and I'm worriedthe stress of the journey and new surroundings will make her worse. Shedoesn't seem distressed or anything - she spends most of her timestretched out on her side with her legs out, which I took to be a signof relaxation, but could it be discomfort?
Please help; I don't know what to do!
I posted on here a week or so ago after buying a young rabbit (about 9weeks old) in a pet shop, and becoming worried that she was very thin,and was drinking a LOT of water.
Last Friday she stopped eating and defaecating, and wasn't her usualbouncy self. I felt her tummy, and she had a hard mass between the ribcage and hind legs, on her right side. I was worried that my youngdaughter had squeezed her too hard and ruptured something, and sorushed her to the vet. The vet said she had an impacted bowel whichcould rupture, and kept her in overnight to give her iv fluids. Theygave her the drugs temagesic, metaclop, metacam and lactulose, to gether bowels moving again. The next day the mass had gone, and she waseating and defaecating again - although the pellets seemed slightlydessicated.
She was a bit subdued for a couple of days, but is now lively andhappy. However this evening (in the evenings I bring her out of herhutch and have her on the sofa with me), she hasn't pooed at all, and Ican feel a similarly positioned hard mass, but this time on her LEFTside. She's eating ok, and leaping about, but the mass is definitelythere. It's definitely nothing to do with my daughter, as I only lether stroke her for a couple of minutes a time, very closely supervised.
Is her bowel impacted again?? Why does this keep happening? I feed herhay, timothy hay, and good quality pellets (burgess supra excel), asmany as she wants. She also has small quantities of carrots, and thismorning she had a little bit ofpear.
WHat can I do to stop this happening, and how can I disperse the massand get her to pass it? She's a lionhead, and although she's not hugelyfluffy, I thought the excess hair being ingested may be a problem. ButI read on the internet that the hair is not the problem, it's the lackof bowel motility.
I'm really concerned about this, and can't keep taking her to the vetsevery few days. Also, we are going away this weekend, and I'm worriedthe stress of the journey and new surroundings will make her worse. Shedoesn't seem distressed or anything - she spends most of her timestretched out on her side with her legs out, which I took to be a signof relaxation, but could it be discomfort?
Please help; I don't know what to do!