Rabbit trashes cage

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New Member
Apr 28, 2012
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lancashire, , United Kingdom
hey guys im new here so not sure if ive got this right.
i need some advice.
i have got a female lion head rabbit, she is around 5 month old, everytime i open her cage she grunts loudly at me, she is fine when out and runs round happy and lets us stroke her. so i have 3 problems im not sure what to do about.

1. her grunting whenever i open her cage
2. when we hold her she goes to nibble me
3. this is the one im really worried by: whenever i pput her back in her cage she trashes it i mean she litterally throws everything, her toys hay straw tips her food bowl upside down.

please can someone help me. i dont know what to do i have tried taking everything out then puting it back in when she has calmed down but it doesnt work!!!

any advise welcome!

thank you:brown-bunny
There is one great way to solve the problems one and three get her spayed!! this will fix all your problems because she is entering her teen years were she will be territorial and hormonal and if you spay her that will all go away.

For question two as long as she is nibbling NOT bitting you this just means she wants your attention and she loves you

good luck:biggrin:
I don't think she likes the cage & I'm not sure that spaying will solve all her problems. If they persist after spaying, I think she needs a larger area, such as an xpen [exercise pen]. And welcome to the forum, btw.
008cowgirl wrote:
hey guys im new here so not sure if ive got this right.
i need some advice.
i have got a female lion head rabbit, she is around 5 month old, everytime i open her cage she grunts loudly at me, she is fine when out and runs round happy and lets us stroke her. so i have 3 problems im not sure what to do about.

1. her grunting whenever i open her cage
2. when we hold her she goes to nibble me
3. this is the one im really worried by: whenever i pput her back in her cage she trashes it i mean she litterally throws everything, her toys hay straw tips her food bowl upside down.

please can someone help me. i dont know what to do i have tried taking everything out then puting it back in when she has calmed down but it doesnt work!!!

any advise welcome!

thank you:brown-bunny
Lion head huh, yep my girl is a lion head too and doesn't like her cage to much, even though she has tons of running room (its a homemade pen) she wants to get out and run around the room, she gets about 3-4 hours of run time out of her cage but she rather be near mom :biggrin2: or just romping around. My lion head also likes to nibble on my clothes but I think its more of a curiosity thing, she never bites. My angora is a different story, she loves running around but rather be in her pen lol