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Aug 28, 2006
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I have a four month old bunny named Lola. She'sout of her cage right now and she's making like a grunting noise (likewhat a deer would make) except much much much quieter. She's doing itright now as I'm typing this. Haha! But when she hops up on my lap or Ipet her she stops. She'll follow me around the room doing it but I'venever heard her do it before! Today was the first time I've heard herdo it. Is it a signal that she just wants attention or what?
is it a grunt sound?

I dont have any females, but I know a few unaltered females who do thisquite often, for no apparent reason. My max will grunt sometimes too ifhe's not happy with what Im doing.

She probably just wants to get your attention! :)
Some of my bunnies do it because they're annoyed.
Some do it to get attention.
I think Chippy does it because she likes to make noise. She's one ofthe most vocal bunnies!! It's like she can't get her little enginestarted sometimes. It's usually when she excited about something...like breakfast...or forGREENS!!!!!

The other night she started making noise as soon as she heard the bagof romaine being taken out of the fridge. As soon as I opened her cagedoor she hopped out and jumped right into the bag!!! Good thing she'ssmall....and that I had a good grip on the bag. She wasn't phased atall! When I took her out of the bag she had a mouthful of romaine andwas munching awaylike there was no tomorrow!!!

LolaBunny wrote:
I have a four month old bunnynamed Lola. She's out of her cage right now and she's making like agrunting noise ......
I forgot!:embarrassed:

And.....Oh my! A teen-bunnie!
You can expect all kinds of different behavior for a few months. And then even more might happen after she's spayed.
Buns will be buns.

Hello, Lolabunny! Welcome to the RO Family!

As far as bunny communication, you can check out the Rabbit 101 sectionthread on it. It contains LOADS of helpful links that wouldhelp you out! I would answer you directly, but I'm notterribly experienced with grunts and such. From what I'veread in other threads of the same sort of question, it sounds (with thefollowing around and grunting) like it might be a hormonalthing. Especially with her age. My Maisie'shormones were in FULL swing by four months! :)

So, here's the link for the Rabbit 101 section on Communication and Language with bunnies:

Here's a good link in that thread that contains a good amount of information:

Take some time to browse around the Rabbit 101, Rabbit Health, andForum Information sections. There is a GREAT amount ofinformation for all SORTS of things there!

Again, welcome to the RO Family! Enjoy! We lookforward to chatting with you and hearing all about yourbunny! Feel free to create a Bunny Blog for your baby...we'dLOVE to see pictures and read about her daily adventures! :)

My bunny seems to do this when she's mad at me,as in when I have to pick her up to give her her antibiotics.I think she knows what time it is. Then when we're done withthe medicating, she grunts as she runs away and thumps at me.
missyscove wrote:
My bunny seems to do this when she's mad at me, as in when Ihave to pick her up to give her her antibiotics. I think sheknows what time it is. Then when we're done with themedicating, she grunts as she runs away and thumps atme.

Sounds just like Binkie...and Benji...and Chippy...and S'more...evenMoosh grunted at me the other day when I wanted to look at her backlegs :disgust:

...and then I get the butt!:whatevah
JimD wrote:
...and S'more...

I take that back. S'more makes more of a "huffing & sqeeking" sound.

...and she never gives me the butt. She's really a sweet bunnie that just has some issues, that' all.
It was hormonal for my Sunny :)
She started grunting at about 4 months, and stopped completely after her spay.

My new one, who's 6 weeks, makes all kinds of noises.....Very vocal.
JimD wrote:
The other night she started making noise as soon as she heard the bagof romaine being taken out of the fridge. As soon as I opened her cagedoor she hopped out and jumped right into the bag!!! Good thing she'ssmall....and that I had a good grip on the bag. She wasn't phased atall! When I took her out of the bag she had a mouthful of romaine andwas munching awaylike there was no tomorrow!!!


My brother's rabbit would grunt and roar ateverything. Sometimes it was because it was angry, sometimeshe wanted attention, somtimes when he was happeny, though he'd do itall the time... just a loud rabbit.
My bun, Nibbles, tends to make grunting/honkingsounds at me when she's happy and ready to play. She was spayed lastspring, but is still pretty vocal. (She came from a shelter, so I haveno way of comparing her current behavior to whatever she did pre-op.)

I've read a lot in the Etherbun archives about vocal bunnies - it'ssurprising how many do make noises! There's a fun recording of a lopnamed Simon on this page:http://members.aol.com/bunster2/carla.htm

(Nibbles' ears perk up when I play this for her...)


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