New Member
My Daisy is 6 years old and healthy overall. She spent all day at the vet's yesterday getting the fur on her genitals because she licks the fur alot and I had it shaved to prevent any issues and to keep the area clean. She's been snoring for quite some time and the vet insists it's okay. Today, I noticed that she's expelling alot of night feces. She is eating hay but not a ton of it. Usually, she eats a TON of it. I'm not hugely concerned but I want to get it nipped in the bud so it doesn't get any worse. She'll get up and move around and then she'll lay back down. I'm not sure what to do as far as diet. She eats a ton of leafy greens such as cilantro and parsleys and maybe bell peppers. Other than that it's hay and pellets.