I am thinking about showing my Smudge in some4-H shows and such. I am asking you about how well you think he willdo. He is an agouti (I believe) dwarf, 2 years old, not altered.
He appears to be an opal from thephotos. How much does he weigh? The maximum showweight for Netherland Dwarfs is 2 1/2 pounds.
He's a nice rabbit for 4-H, but does appear to be a little longer inbone than desired. His ears are a little long to balance withhis head, and his head is slightly narrower than desired. Hisbody also appears to be narrower and longer than what is desired innice show Netherland Dwarfs.
Ijudged a lot of nice Netherlands at a show today -- haven'tdone the Nethies for a while and had a lot of fun with them
I agree with Pam on the ears and body.I would still go ahead and show him in 4 - H it is much different thangoing to an ARBA show. You will never know how he mightactually do, if you never take him to see. JMPO
If you are serious about showing, you may want to find a breeder inyour area and invest in a nice show rabbit. Your buck looks like he isa brood type, lacking the dwarfing gene. If he is over 2 1/2poundsor his ears are longer than 2 1/2 inches, he will bedisqualified. I'm not sure about New Hampshire, but here in Ohio, thequality of dwarfs shown in 4H rivals the quality shown in open ARBAshows and he wouldn't do well, even in 4H.