um.. please dont use toxic substances like thatto keep your bunny from chewing! it could very possible kill them, andmay have hurt them already. i'd say keep them off thelinoleum.
You can try Bitter Apple, which you should beable to find at your vet's or most pet stores. We use it and it worksfor us, although from what I understand, some rabbits don't mind thetaste. My rabbits hate it.
Try putting other, safe things out for your bunny to chew on. Untreatedwicker baskets, paper towel rolls, those kind of things. Rubbingalcohol and bug spray can be harmful to your rabbit's health. As we allknow, rabbits need to chew, but they don't always chew on things wewant them to.
Myhusband and I swear by it. They werechewing on chair legs and the bookshelf...until a good spray withBitter Apple that is. Now they don't even look twice at it.
we have one spot on our floor that Harley is always chewing!!!
So I put a big comforter(blanket) there,,,and no when ever I check onhim when hes down the hall,,hes usually sprawled out on his blanketsleeping,,,lol,,,,,,but it works
Hmmm...that's what I use to clean their cage andlitter box. Not quite half and half, more water than vinegar. Ofcourse, I wipe everything down with papertowels.
I know what you mean, there is one spot in thebox that just won't get totally clean. I sometimes rinse, sometimesnot. They don't seem to mind it at all, and like I said, I wipe it downand let it "air dry" before putting the Woody Pet in. Of course, thenit's the big Chin Down Everything. lol
Actually, I think I cant stand the smell of it more than the rabbits.