Rabbit Ransom Websites

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom
Rabbit Ransom Websites
The Rabbit Welfare Fund has recently been made aware of severalwebsites that appear to be threatening to kill and eat a pet rabbitunless a ransom is met by a given deadline. These sites are pleadingfor donations via paypal on the website in order to save the rabbit'slife.

Although these websites are very disturbing they are very likely to benothing more than a hoax. However since they tend to be US based wehave been in contact with the American Humane Society who are aware ofthem, and do monitor them. They have advised us that the best course ofaction is to do nothing. Do not send the url address to anyone, as thisgenerates more hits and makes the sites more popular. So if you becomeaware of any such sites please do not start any internet petitions ore-mail it to others as this only encourages the posting of the site inadditional locations. Additionally, spreading the word about this siteis also causing increased traffic to their web domain, making the taskof removing them more difficult. Obviously, don't ever make anydonations on such sites.

If anyone sends you the details of these sites please pass this information on to them.