Rabbit Personality Question!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
My Daisy is very quiet andgenerally does not approach me. She is however affectionateand will lick my hand for quite a while. She is not very active in the cage but we'll see once she gets out. I wonder if this is her natural personality or possibly related to her having been a stray?
Oftentimes a rabbit's personality is very muchinfluenced by its background. Being that this rabbit is astray, I would say that it may be much more protective andterritorial. However, I have seen strays that were verykind. Much depends on the breed and genetics too.If he is licking your hand, that is a very good sign that he trustsyou. :)
Spend a quiet evening on the floor, let your buncrawl over an aroundyou and check you out. Once shegets to know you better she'll be more affectionate and outgoing;)
It sounds to me like she's shy but veryfriendly, especially since you haven't had her long. Somerabbits never like to do much when they are in their cages, but itcould also be related to the size of her cage or if it has a wire orslippery bottom. Or she's not interested in the toys shehas. When Loki was at the humane society, he had a wire floorand a litter box. He rarely left the litterbox because hedidn't like the floor. And he didn't have anything to do inhis cage, anyway. Many rabbits don't seem to mind a wirefloor, but he hated it.

As for whether that's what her personality is really like, you will find out in time.
I've had my rabbit for a little over 2 years and i STILL am seeing new personality traits in him.

I agree with sitting on the floor and letting her come to you...alsoI've found sitting in front of the cage and just rubbing them andtalking to them really helps them get used to you and trust you.

I've had Sparky and Scooter for two years now,and their personalities are still emerging. They keep gettingmore affectionate and trusting day by day. One of these daysI hope they'll actually sit in my lap!
Bunman give your bunny time and I am sure shewill get more friendly with you.. My oldest bunny Luv who was threewhen I adopted her from the shelter just recently started taking foodfrom my hand while Roger who was younger who I adopted from the shelterwould eat out of my hands pretty early. Keep takingcare of her every need and spoil her and she will warm up most likely.:cooking:


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