So my rabbit was well potty trained before and she would always hop away to the litter box whenever she had to relieve herself however recently she is using the litter box less and is peeing behind the couch which are also mixed along with pellets so its quite hard to clean as the pellets stay soft. I do have a hardwood floor and while cleaning it today I noticed that the dried pee is hard to scrape off and seems like it could be damaging the floor, then I return after a few hours aaaand shes pooped and peed there in the exact place. Whats the best way to remove the dry urine and get rid of her scent in that area? And how can I encourage her to use the litter box again instead of behind the sofa? I currently dont have anything to block her pathway from getting behind the couch either :/ but I will be looking into finding something, any help would be useful