So 11 days ago my rabbit got fixed and came home with stitches. Overnight he ended up pulling those stitches out so he had to go back in to get restitched. To prevent him from pulling them out again, the vet put him in a Medical vest. However when he got home I noticed there was no space at the back for him to go toilet. I rang the vet and she said it’s fine as long as his tail is sticking out. So I took her advice and left it on. After about 5 hours I noticed he’s unable to poop and pee so I called emergency vet and they told me to take it off and put a e collar on him. The residue of him wearing a vest got stuck on his fur but I was too scared to let him clean himself in case he pulled out his stitches. The vet told me to keep him in a cone for 10 days. During those 10 days I tried to spot clean him but he’s a very fidgety bun and wouldn’t stay still. Today marks 10 days so I took off his collar. He’s been cleaning himself for nearly 2 hours focusing on his legs and bottom area and his fur has become damp. He’s also trying to pull his fur out because it’s become slightly matted. Not too sure what to do. Whether to let him clean himself or give him a little bath with a little water.