It would be good for you to read this article Signs of Gastric Stasis
The following is a list of signs that are commonly noted with gastric or cecal stasis:
Rabbits will eat less over a period of days or weeks.
Eventually rabbits completely stop eating
The waste droppings become smaller, then completely stop
Often affected rabbits will be bright and alert for several days after they stop eating.
Rabbits will refuse to eat pellets but will chew the paper on the bottom of the cage, the woodwork or wall board, all of which are sources of the fiber they are craving.
Some rabbits have periodic soft, pudding-like stools prior to a complete loss of appetite.
As the condition progresses with further dehydration of GI contents and finally complete shutdown of the GI tract, the rabbit becomes increasingly lethargic, depressed and ultimately can die.
"...As the movement of material through the GI tract slows, the ingesta sits longer then normal at any point, particularly in the stomach and in the cecum. Fluid continues to be extracted from this ingesta while it is delayed and eventually the ingesta can become thick and dry as it dehydrates. The dehydrated ingesta causes further slowdown of GI motility causing a vicious cycle. The result is dry, impacted material in the stomach as well as the cecum, which ceases to move altogether. The rabbit stops eating and drinking because nothing is moving and further aggravates the condition. Now we have a "ball" of material in the stomach that can be felt on a physical examination and seen on an x-ray. Dehydrated stomach contents viewed on an x-ray exhibit a halo of air demonstrating that there is little liquid present..."