Rabbit Nest Box Problems

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Nimmyville, Massachusetts, USA
Ok my black doeAerion is due on Friday,this will be her first litter. I gave her a nest box, and made sureeverything was right (according to the Holland lop guide book) and shejust throws around the hay that I put in the the cage. She eitherthrows it around or eats it. I have never had problems with the nestbox so I am not quite sure what to do. Will she make it like an hourbefore she gives birth or something? Also the floor to the cage isn'twire so I am not SUPER concerned, but I would like her to make a nest.If she doesn't use the nest box will the kits be ok? I am a nervouswreck! Any ideas anyone...???


I just read

The Bunny - From Conception to Weaning

and it said that if she was making the nest on the floor tomovethe nest box to where she is making...but she isnt evenmaking a nest on the floor....she isnt making a nest period....

They could freeze in the basement. They are like newborn human babies, unable to regulate their body temperature.

I wouldn't be too concerned right now about her disinterest in nestbuilding. It seems a lot of doe's do not build until right before thebirth.

Good luck with the kindling!

Fergi's mom
Thanks every one for their help! It has made mefeel a lot better about her nest box problem. This is day 30 and stillnothing, but hopefully she will make her nest soon.


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