rabbit making grunting noises?

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Apr 23, 2020
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Hey everyone! Two days ago, I started fostering or taking care of a bunny that was held at my school for this corona outbreak. But sometimes she will make these grunting, nasally, honking noises from her cage usually when I am not near her. It is an off and on sound but it can get really loud sometimes. She even does it when I'm not around. She usually stops when I get closer, but not all the time. I don't know if she is just vocal or if she is still nervous because it's a new environment. Maybe I am overthinking it but I just want to make sure she is okay. If anyone could help me out, that would be great. Thank you!
She might want attention. Is it possible to let her run around your house? She might want to get cuddled, play, or run around. You will need to rabbit-proof your house so she doesn't destroy anything.
She unfortunately can't leave my room and she has not come out of her cage yet. Whenever I am in the room (which is most of the time) her cage door is open because it is fairly small. I think she still feels like her cage is the safest spot. She also does not like being picked up and will run away. I do need to clean her cage today so we will find a way to get her out of the cage to explore my room. My room is bunny-proofed, we are just waiting for her to come out.
Sit on the ground and ignore her. Hold a treat in your hand and when she comes to you, hand it to her. Most rabbits do not like being held so do not hold her.

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