Rabbit living apart

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New Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Rural, , Australia

My girlfriend has a rescued rabbit and everything is going really well.

So well in fact, that we are picking up a second rabbit from the shelter in a weeks time.

We have read all about 'pairing' and introducing the rabbits and plan to follow much of the advice given over the internet.

My girlfriend and I do not live together. Are we able to pair the rabbits over the coming months (rabbit see each other daily and assuming all goes well) but have the rabbits primary residence separate (1 at each house). The intention would be for the rabbits to see each other very regularly. Will this situation work once they are paired or will this pairing dwindle if they are not together '24/7'.

In other words, can they be friends that visit very frequently?
It can work, however I don't advise on bonding them and constantly separating them. It can be quite stressful one the rabbits. I know this from personal experiences. If they rabbits get along alright and simply ignore each other rather than form a close bond that would be better. What usually happens is that they start with ignoring each other and that leads to them spending every second together. Also, if you separate the rabbits for too long of a period (even a few days to a week) the bond can break and you will have fighting rabbits and have to start the process all over again. If they are only separated at night, but together all day long that might be a little better. Ideally you would want them either 100% together or 0% together though.
yeah, time apart can wreak havoc with bunny bonds - if you have a bonded pair, you have to take them to the vet together even if only one of them needs to go because it could break their bond if one comes home to the other smelling like "vet's office"... I'm guessing the same would be true of a rabbit smelling like "girlfriend's house".

rabbits really don't do the whole "casual friends" thing - it's all or nothing with bunny bonds.

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