Hi! My rabbit Clover was spayed Yesterday (May 4th), didn’t eat too much the first day (she was tired and I didn’t have the lettuce she wanted apparently), but she had a nice serving of romaine lettuce this morning, and maybe an hour ago? I even gave her some more a few minutes after based on something I read, And still hasn’t pooped. She won’t eat her pellets, and she will take treats. I’ve seen her nibble on hay, and she hasn’t drank a lot. Quite little really. She is VERY STUBBORN about syringe feeding so please don’t try to give me that as a solution. I tried hand offering her a wet pellet right after a wet treat, and she didn’t take it. I did attempt to syringe her some water, but she bit the thing, she flinched back twice when it touched her mouth, and started squeaking at me which is like a half grunt. I’m not in my room with her rn, but I’ll be down in like an hour and a half. It’s possible there will be poop by then, but I’m starting to get concerned. Please help. Thanks in advance! =)