Rabbit in LOST last night

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I didn't see it myself, but my sister told methere was a rabbit involved in last nights episode of LOST. She told methat the rabbit was shown to have keeled over in its cage in some kindof torture scene. Thankfully at the end the rabbit did not really die.I never watch this program and I kind of glad I didn't because I wouldhave been very upset seeing a rabbit keel over.
LOST is my favorite program, and I saw thatepisode last night. I must admit, it disturbed me quite a bit, becauseeven though they technically didn't harm an animal during filming, theywere most certainly cruel to it, imo. The scene involved a bunny beingbrought into a room where Sawyer (one of the main characters) wasstrapped to a table. One of 'the others' (characters in the show)carried in the rabbit in a cage, held it over Sawyer and began shakingthe cage violently and shouting at it, whereby (in the show) the rabbitkeeled over and supposedly died.

The rabbit wasn't harmed, but he/she was obviously extremelyfrightened. I'll bet they get a lot of complaints over that episodefrom animal lovers...

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