rabbit in her teen stage ??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2005
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by the sea, California, USA
ramona has been crazy lately..LOL she has beengoing thru a period in her lovely life as a crazy lil child LOL is thisconsidered her teen stage she is almost 10 weeks old?
ohh and I also wanted to tell all you guys that I got a great job at ananimal hospital and its so wonderful. its like a dream come true towork with them !!!!!!:)
I believe they start sometime around 5-6months and can last up to 1 and a half years but they usually dont lastthat long. Some rabbits have different levels of it. My Flemish forinstance went through the teen times for like 3 months and BOY WAS IT ADIFFICULT TIME! He started attacking my dad because he was SUPERterritorial. But he doesn’t do that any more, and he is MUCH lazierthen he was during his teen times. But with my Hollands I didn’t reallynotice it, they must have just had it mildly :)

Good luck with the new job!

I think you're rabbit is just getting to thepoint where she is curious about absolutely everything. They've gottenover being afraid of everything and now... is the time that they startbeing bad and getting intro trouble. Hehehe... hope you have fun withher new found freedom!

i love her so much i just hope she dont attack me LOLOLOLOL and thank you i am so happy about the new job!!
she poops everywhere and only pees in her litter box ...if i think about it poop is better than pee right hahaha:shock:
I am having the same problem with mybrats. They always seem to pee in their litter boxes but thepoops are EVERYWHERE! They are still relatively young and 3of the 6 are neutered or spayed so I am really hoping that it willimprove with time;). As soon as the other 3 are old enough Iwill be getting them fixed too.