Well-Known Member
Dear Sir,
My doe rabbit, Pinky, is approximately 3 years old. Of late, she hasbeen showing signs of tiredness and lack of appetite. Quite often, thearea around her face, eyes and ears turn from pink to blue and sheshows symptoms of passing out, then recovers. At times, she squeals, asthough in pain. Her two front paws have swelled up with pus since about3 months ago. We took her to the vet last Thursday, who made incisionsin both paws, drained the pus and given Bypofloxycine, to be taken oncea day. Pinky has to return to the vet today for another check up. Pinkyhas also been sterilised.
Any advise/information you can provide on the above will be most appreciated.
Thank you very much indeed and I look forward to hearing from you.
Alex Siddons
the reply to that is
It sounds like it could be a problem with her heart.
What has the vet said?
Was it Balofloxacin she's been given?
I know Balofloxacin is given to albino rabbits but I can't remember why!! Think its to treat uti's?
Let us know how you get on today,
Please help! :S Any ideas??
My doe rabbit, Pinky, is approximately 3 years old. Of late, she hasbeen showing signs of tiredness and lack of appetite. Quite often, thearea around her face, eyes and ears turn from pink to blue and sheshows symptoms of passing out, then recovers. At times, she squeals, asthough in pain. Her two front paws have swelled up with pus since about3 months ago. We took her to the vet last Thursday, who made incisionsin both paws, drained the pus and given Bypofloxycine, to be taken oncea day. Pinky has to return to the vet today for another check up. Pinkyhas also been sterilised.
Any advise/information you can provide on the above will be most appreciated.
Thank you very much indeed and I look forward to hearing from you.
Alex Siddons
the reply to that is
It sounds like it could be a problem with her heart.
What has the vet said?
Was it Balofloxacin she's been given?
I know Balofloxacin is given to albino rabbits but I can't remember why!! Think its to treat uti's?
Let us know how you get on today,
Please help! :S Any ideas??