Rabbit humping for dominance-is it positive or negative?

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New Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Southport, , United Kingdom
I have 2 bunnie, who i got seperatly but both within the last month.They have both been "done" so i no its safe since he's a giant and she's a lop, and i wudnt want her getting up the duff.

Whenever i put them together to introduce them, they sniff a little and then he humps her face.She seems to let him, but i always pull him off because i dont want to encourage it. I just don't know if she minds, or how long he will do it for, or if it will end up in a fight??im always on edge when it happens but it means i can never leave them alone unless hes going to do it once, make his point and then he will carry on as normal??dont want to risk it if either will get hurt or fight???Everyone has told me its dominance, but noone ever says if its ok to do it or not?


Jess x
I assume you mean she is Fixed?

anyway, its negative. You wouldn't want random people coming up and humping you right? Same for dogs and things... negative. Not something you want.
If they were fixed recently they would still have hormoses circulating in their systemswhich could be creating this behavior ...otherwise it is probably dominance..
Give it more time if the spay/neuters were recent.

Iagree that even if it doesn't lead to fighting that there is danger of one bun being injured.
I had a bun that was neutered at an older age who continued to hump my female spayed girl. She allowed him to continue to do this, however he was so unable to leave her alone that I had to separate them.
thanks guys.yeh ive decided to leave them a little longer since its supposed to take a month before he can't ejaculate n e more.

Last night tho, he didnt hump her n she just lay along side him whilst he nibbled her nose??i hope thats a good sign.

cheers again
I agree with the others - keep them separated for a bit longer until they aren't so hormonal.

Though I'll warn you that there will probably still be dominance humping even after the hormones are gone. Just know it's a natural part of bonding - somebody has to be dominant, and typically that bunny humps the other. It doesn't always happen, but it's very common. Don't leave them alone during this period, but know that they will eventually work things out and it will lessen and probably go away completely (though I know pairs who still hump daily and it's just part of their relationship). Don't let any face humping happen, because it can lead to injuries, but you can let "correct" humping happen for a few seconds, if the humpee allows it, because it will help them sort out dominance. Just stop it if one or both of the rabbits starts to get too frustrated and it looks like a fight might break out. Sometimes the one being humped doesn't mind and the humper gives up quickly after realizes that he is the dominant one.

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