Rabbit Grass

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
Hi, i was just wondering if this stuff i found called "Cat Grass" (it says rabbits love it too) is safe for them. Its just a little packet and i think it would be a really nice idea to put in my rabbit garden in a little pot!

Any advice?
I don't know the stuff.....perhaps you could post a link to the website!:):?
Yes it's fine. At first, don't let them eat too much. After they've eaten a bit, wait an hour or so just to make sure they get used to it. Watch for themeating the seeds, as the seeds are very fattening and not good in huge amounts. It's perfectly fine to give as a treat, and my girls love eating them :D.
Save yourself some money. Get some normal lawn grass seed with no fertilizers or pesticides added and plant it in a planter. Or if you know a farmer, get a handful of wheat or oat seed for free. IMO, "Cat Grass" is one of the biggest rip-offs I've ever seen.
The oat or wheat 'grass' they sell in storesis good for them. Unfortunately, Pipp insists on digging out and eating the seeds, and they're way too high in carbs to be healthy.

And really, trya garden shop instead of a pet specialty, it'll be way cheaper. Just make sure it's pesiticide free.

(Of course that said, I still end up not only buy the ridiculously over-priced pet store seeds, I keep picking up those darn pre-planted trays because I haven't gotten my butt in gear to look elsewhere!I kick myself everytime!) :disgust:


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