Well-Known Member
LOL SORRY i meant FLEA control! jeez i just woke up and my fingers are too fast for my head. sorry, i feel stupid now. mods after just posting we should be able to go back and change the title of our posts
what do you guys do to keep fleas off your bunnies. i have used avantage a few times in the past and it worked like a charm. however i am conserned about putting this on them every single month. i have used it three times, i have seen fleas on the bunnies twice, and thats why i would go put some more on, but instead of every month its been every other month. does anyone know if avantage has any long term effects in bunnies? also what are some other things i can do to keep fleas away. the rabbits go outside about two times a week, but when its not so hot they go out to play almost everyday. i assume thats where they are getting fleas.
i know one of the best ways to controll fleas is to actually vacum. i vacum everyday (mess buns!) and keep the cages picked up well.
ps. fleas have never been bad on my rabbits, i will just see a few and i never see any flea dirt
what do you guys do to keep fleas off your bunnies. i have used avantage a few times in the past and it worked like a charm. however i am conserned about putting this on them every single month. i have used it three times, i have seen fleas on the bunnies twice, and thats why i would go put some more on, but instead of every month its been every other month. does anyone know if avantage has any long term effects in bunnies? also what are some other things i can do to keep fleas away. the rabbits go outside about two times a week, but when its not so hot they go out to play almost everyday. i assume thats where they are getting fleas.
i know one of the best ways to controll fleas is to actually vacum. i vacum everyday (mess buns!) and keep the cages picked up well.
ps. fleas have never been bad on my rabbits, i will just see a few and i never see any flea dirt