hi, I have had my rabbit Tonks for two years. She was around 8 months old when I brought her home from the rabbit society. She has been spayed, has an extra larger dog cage, unlimited supply of hay, pellets recommended by my society, a cup and a half of Romaine lettuces everyday with a sprinkling of carrot or some other high sugar veg (she get like a table spoon), and a dog sized bowl of water. She get 1 hour min-hours out ofnthebcage while I do homework. Trust me I have tried every form of rabbit bonding you can think of up to driving 2 hours twice a week to work with a professional. She absolutely hates me. Like biting, thumping, charging. She had her teeth ground down yesterday and the vet hoped that would make things better but she was worse after it. The society wants me to run a full panel blood work with a price tag of $200-$275. I’ve looked at symptoms of tumors, infection, etc and she doesn’t fit in them at all. She has super high energy, she eats double the hay, eats all her food, drinks lots of water, I did a urine check and had her peed on news papers and her urine color was normal. Her poops are a perfect sphere, and they are the same size they have always been. There is absolutely no signed of anything being wrong except for the aggression. She’s literally evil incarnate I swear. Idk if anyone else has dealt with an issue like this. Let me know.