Rabbit education seminar

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Aug 28, 2006
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Has anyone ever attended a Rabbit Education Seminar? There's one schedued in RI Sept 9th.

My son & I adopted 2 dwarf rabbits early June.
Well i have never been to one,but it does sound interesting though

are you going to attend this seminar? if you are let us know how it goes:)

oh and welcome to the forum:)you will have to post about youand your son's bunnies and maybe a picture or two or three or more lol

Welcome to the forum!

I've always wanted to go to a rabbit seminar, but I'd have to drive several hours.:?

Are there any special topics? Sometimes the Wisconsin HRSseminars have expert rabbit vets or rabbit behaviorists to talk aboutcommon problems. I know a lot of seminars show you how to dothings like clip nails and such.
There are many different types of educationalseminars on rabbits. I've attended many and also been a guestspeaker on subjects such as genetics, showing, ethics, diseases,tattooing, breeds, showmanship, and fur/wool.

The seminars can be great learning experiences and I highly recommend going if you have the opportunity.

Hello Tinaturbo! I've never been to a bunny seminar...let us know how it goes if you attend!

I also wanted to send you a little Welcome! So.....

:welcome1:hello Tell us all about your bunnies, and whatthey're like...we love pictures, too! You can even start aBunny Blog for them and tell us about their daily happenings and shareall sorts of pictures! It's so fun...

Also, be sure to check out the Rabbit Health, Rabbit 101, and ForumInformation sections of the forum. There's a TON ofinformation here!

If you ever have any questions at all, fire away! The more questions the better!

So, welcome to the RO Family! We look forward to chatting with you! :)


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